Date |
Title |
Location |
Deadline |
28.12.2002 - 30.12.2002 |
South East Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society |
Lahore, Pakistan |
31.03.2002 |
22.11.2002 - 23.11.2002 |
Overeducation in Europe: What Do We Know? |
Berlin |
15.06.2002 |
15.11.2002 - 16.11.2002 |
3rd Nordic Workshop on the Economic Analysis of Linked Employer-Employee Data |
Bergen, Norway |
10.10.2002 |
07.11.2002 - 10.11.2002 |
European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society |
Budapest |
15.09.2002 |
11.10.2002 - 13.10.2002 |
LACEA 2002: 7th Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association |
Madrid, Spain |
30.04.2002 |
27.09.2002 - 28.09.2002 |
WIDER Conference: Poverty, International Migration and Asylum |
Helsinki |
20.04.2002 |
26.09.2002 - 27.09.2002 |
XVII Conference of the Italian Labour Economics Association (AIEL) |
Salerno, Italy |
30.04.2002 |
19.09.2002 - 22.09.2002 |
European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) 14th Annual Conference |
Paris |
01.03.2002 |
17.09.2002 - 20.09.2002 |
Verein für Socialpolitik Annual Congress 2002: Privatisation, Deregulation & Market Design |
Innsbruck, Austria |
01.03.2002 |
European Summer Symposium in Labor Economics (ESSLE) |
Buch/Ammersee |
01.02.2002 |
25.08.2002 - 28.08.2002 |
European Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM) |
Venice, Italy |
15.02.2002 |
22.08.2002 - 24.08.2002 |
European Economic Association (EEA) Annual Congress |
Venice, Italy |
15.02.2002 |
18.08.2002 - 24.08.2002 |
International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) Conference |
Stockholm, Sweden |
30.09.2001 |
25.07.2002 - 27.07.2002 |
Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society |
Sao Paulo, Brasil |
15.04.2002 |
11.07.2002 - 14.07.2002 |
6th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare |
Pasadena, California |
20.01.2002 |
05.07.2002 - 06.07.2002 |
10th International Conference on Panel Data |
Berlin, Germany |
01.02.2002 |
04.07.2002 - 06.07.2002 |
Association for Public Economic Theory PET 2002 |
Paris, France |
01.03.2002 |
24.06.2002 - 28.06.2002 |
30th International Conference of the International Council on Social Welfare |
Rotterdam |
30.04.2002 |
20.06.2002 - 24.06.2002 |
North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society |
Los Angeles, California |
31.01.2002 |
15.06.2002 - 18.06.2002 |
FISS International Research Seminar: Pension Reform |
Sigtuna, Sweden |
15.01.2002 |
14.06.2002 - 15.06.2002 |
DIW Workshop: The Economic Consequences of Global Terrorism |
DIW, Berlin |
29.03.2002 |
13.06.2002 - 15.06.2002 |
Annual Meeting of the European Society of Population Economics (ESPE) |
Bilbao, Spain |
01.02.2002 |
11.06.2002 - 15.06.2002 |
Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences |
Honolulu, Hawaii |
24.01.2002 |
10.06.2002 - 11.06.2002 |
6th ILM Conference 2002: Employment, Unemployment and Under-Employment |
CILMS, Aberdeen |
26.04.2002 |
28.05.2002 - 29.05.2002 |
Applied Econometrics Association (AEA): Econometrics of Wages |
Brussels, Belgium |
31.01.2002 |
24.05.2002 - 25.05.2002 |
ETLA and LoWER Conference: Adapting Education and Training for the Enhancement of Low-Skilled Jobs |
Helsinki |
28.02.2002 |
24.05.2002 |
Symposium: Brain drain, brain gain or brain transfer? Losing their minds? |
Brussels |
16.05.2002 - 18.05.2002 |
4th ZEW Summer Workshop for Young Economists: Human Capital |
Mannheim, Germany |
01.02.2002 |
16.05.2002 - 17.05.2002 |
French Economic Association (AFSE) Annual Conference 2002: |
Lyon, France |
15.02.2002 |
03.05.2002 - 04.05.2002 |
Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) Annual Meetings |
Baltimore |
01.11.2001 |
26.04.2002 - 27.04.2002 |
CIRANO Conference on the Econometrics of Education: Modeling Selectivity and Outcomes |
Montreal |
19.04.2002 |
5th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics |
Buch/Ammersee |
01.02.2002 |
25.03.2002 - 27.03.2002 |
Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002 |
University of Warwick |
19.10.2001 |
28.02.2002 - 01.03.2002 |
CLS/SFI Conference on Employer and Employee Data |
Aarhus, Denmark |
18.01.2002 |