5th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics - 2002

Buch/Ammersee, Germany, April 15-21, 2002
In 2002, IZA organized the Fifth European Summer School in Labor Economics. The objective of this annual summer school is to bring together a larger number of Ph.D. students and senior researchers to study new areas in labor economics. Ph.D. students are given the opportunity to present their papers and to discuss their own research ideas with established researchers in a relaxed and open atmosphere. This year 35 students from all over Europe participated. A committee selected these students from about 100 applicants.

This year, there were two lecturers, each teaching five lectures over two days. Joshua Angrist from MIT taught a course on empirical strategies in applied econometrics and Gerard Pfann (IZA, Bonn and Maastricht University, Maastricht) taught a course on "The Labor Economics of Adjustment Costs".




List of Participants (PDF file)
