IZA Research Seminar

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As of 2024 the Bonn Applied Microeconomics Seminar is cohosted by IZA and the Institute for Applied Microeconomics at the University of Bonn. The seminar series and accompanying workshops are open for faculty members of the Bonn econ institutions, visiting scholars, and students. Seminar presentations followed by discussion are held in English.


Earlier IZA Research Seminars are archived below.  






















































18.12.2007  Douglas Frank (INSEAD)
How Much Do Labor Market Institutions Constrain Firm Behavior? Evidence from the Fall of the Berlin Wall
11.12.2007  Hippolyte D'Albis (University of Toulouse I)
Populations Have Not Aged Much
(joint work with Fabrice Collard)
04.12.2007  Ralf Wilke (University of York)
Unemployment Duration in Germany: Individual and Regional Determinants of Local Job Finding, Migration and Subsidized Employment
(joint work with Melanie Arntz)
27.11.2007  Thijs van Rens (University of Warwick and IZA)
Wage Rigidity and Job Creation
(joint work with Christian Haefke and Marcus Sonntag)
23.11.2007  Melissa Tartari (Yale University)
Divorce and the Cognitive Achievement of Children
22.11.2007  Michael P. Pflüger (University of Würzburg and IZA)
A Simple Theory of Industry Location and Residence Choice (IZA DP No. 2862)
(joint work with Rainald Borck and Matthias Wrede)
20.11.2007  Marko Terviö (Aalto University)
The Difference that CEOs Make: An Assignment Model Approach
13.11.2007  Rupert Sausgruber (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Democracy and the Disincentive Effects of Redistribution
(joint work with Mads P. Harmsen and Jean-Robert Tyran
06.11.2007  - no seminar -
30.10.2007  Catherine Y. Co (University of Nebraska Omaha)
The Labor Market Experience of U.S. Immigrants: Occupational Match And Mobility
23.10.2007  Massimiliano Bratti (Università degli Studi di Milano and IZA)
Does the Expansion of Higher Education Increase Equality of Educational Opportunities? Evidence from Italy
(joint work with Daniele Checchi and Guido de Blasio)
18.10.2007  Nezih Guner (CEMFI and IZA)
Taxation, Aggregates and the Household
(joint work with Remzi Kaygusuz and Gustavo Ventura)
16.10.2007  Holger Strulik (Leibniz University of Hannover)
Staying on the Dole - The Role of Labor Market Institutions, Personal Characteristics, and Preferences
(joint work with Jean-Robert Tyran and Paolo Vanini)
11.10.2007  Kristjan-Olari Leping (University of Tartu)
Ethnic Wage Gap and Political Break-Ups: Estonia During Political and Economic Transition
(joint work with Ott Toomet)
09.10.2007  Gustav Feichtinger (Vienna University of Technology and IZA)
Optimal Control of Economic Processes: Models of the 2nd Generation
02.10.2007  Raquel Llorente-Heras (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Regional differences in women’s part time employment: An analysis of supply and demand
(joint work with Cuadrado-Roura, Juan R. and Iglesias-Fernandez, Carlos )
27.09.2007  Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz (Vienna Institute of Demography)
Health, Survival and Consumption over the Life Cycle: Individual versus Social Optimum and the Role of Externalities
(joint work with Michael Kuhn, Stefan Wrzaczek & Gustav Feichtinger)
Sectoral Choice with Human Capital and Accumulation of Pension Benefits
20.09.2007  Limor Golan (Carnegie Mellon University)
Estimating a Dynamic Adverse-Selection Model: Labor-Force Experience and the Changing Gender Earnings GAP 1968-93
(joint work with George-Levi Gayle)
11.09.2007  Davide Dragone (University of Bologna)
I Am Getting Tired: Effort and Fatigue in Intertemporal Decision-Making
04.09.2007  Kailing Shen (Australian National University and IZA)
Unemployment Insurance's Time-Varying Impacts on Re-Employment Wages
24.07.2007  Ross Finnie (University of Ottawa and IZA)
Marriage, Child-Bearing and Women's Earnings: Evidence Based on Complete Longitudinal Profiles
17.07.2007  Alexandra Niessen (University of Cologne)
The Impact of Informational and Social Category Work Group Diversity on Performance: Large Sample Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry
12.07.2007  Jonathan Zinman (Dartmouth College)
Fuzzy Math and Red Ink: When the Opportunity Cost of Consumption is Not What it Seems
(joint work with Victor Stango)
10.07.2007  Ryo Kambayashi (Musashi University and IZA)
Deferred Compensation: Evidence from Employer-Employee Matched Data from Japan
(joint work with Kyoji Fukao, Daiji Kawaguchi, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Young Gak Kim, and Izumi Yokoyama)
03.07.2007  Gabor Kezdi (Central European University, Budapest)
Children of the Post-Communist Transition: Age at the Time of the Parents’ Job Loss and Dropping Out of Secondary School
(joint work with Gábor Kertesi)
29.06.2007  Uri Gneezy (University of California, San Diego)
Gender and Competition: The Role of Socialization
(joint work with Kenneth Leonard and John List)
28.06.2007  Mark Gradstein (Ben Gurion University and IZA)
Endogenous Reversals of Fortune
26.06.2007  Fabian Lange (McGill University and IZA)
Education and Allocative Efficiency: Evidence from Breast Cancer Screening
(joint work with Keith Chen)
19.06.2007  Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (CSIC Institute for Economic Analysis and IZA)
Image and Reality: The Case of Job Satisfaction
(joint work with Bernard M.S. Van Praag and Ioannis Theodossiou)
12.06.2007  Elena Pastorino (University of Minnesota)
Learning by Employing: A Role for Up-or-Out Contracts
(joint work with Braz Camargo)
05.06.2007  Robert M. Sauer (Royal Holloway, University of London and IZA)
Life Cycle Employment and Fertility Across Institutional Environments
(joint work with Daniela Del Boca)
31.05.2007  Hubert Hieke (Ryzard Lazarski University of Commerce and Law, Warsaw)
Can Workfare Provide Full Employment – And are there Potential Trade-offs?
15.05.2007  Andries de Grip (ROA, Maastricht University and IZA)
Job-Worker Mismatch and Cognitive Decline
(joint work with Hans Bosma, Dick Willems and Martin van Boxtel)
24.04.2007  Bertil Holmlund (Uppsala University and IZA)
Estimating Income Responses to Tax Changes: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach
(joint work with Martin Söderström)
17.04.2007  Marie Claire Villeval (CNRS, GATE and IZA)
Competition, Hidden Information and Efficiency: An Experiment
(joint work with Antonio Cabrales and Gary Charness)
10.04.2007  Falko Juessen (University of Wuppertal and IZA)
On the Dynamics of Interstate Migration: Migration Costs and Self-Selection
(joint work with Christian Bayer)
27.03.2007  Markus Frölich (University of Mannheim and IZA)
Exploiting Regional Treatment Intensity for the Evaluation of Labour Market Policies (IZA DP No. 2144)
(joint work with Michael Lechner)
20.03.2007  Matthias Sutter (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods and IZA)
Experiments on Credence Goods
(joint work with Uwe Dulleck and Rudi Kerschbamer)
13.03.2007  Olmo Silva (London School of Economics and IZA)
Urban Density and Pupil Achievement
(joint work with Stephen Gibbons)
06.03.2007  Lex Borghans (Maastricht University and IZA)
Imagination, Time Preference and Human Capital Investments
(joint work with Bart Golsteyn)
20.02.2007  Helena Holmlund (IFAU)
Intergenerational Mobility and Assortative Mating: Effects of an Educational Reform
30.01.2007  Mark E Schaffer (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh and IZA)
Estimating the Causal Effects of Gun Prevalence on Homicide Rates
(joint work with Tomislav Kovandzic and Gary Kleck)
23.01.2007  Peter T. Gottschalk (Boston College and IZA)
Are Earnings Inequality and Mobility Overstated? The Impact of Non-Classical Measurement Error
(joint work with Minh Huynh)
10.01.2007  Anton Hemerijck (European University Institute)
Recalibrating Social Europe