Program of the VIth Summer School



Monday, April 07

- 3.00 pm

Arrival and Welcome


03.00 pm

Lecture I:


Christopher A. Pissarides (London School of Economics)


04.30 pm

Coffee/Tea break


05.00 pm

Lecture I:


Christopher A. Pissarides (London School of Economics)




07.00 pm



08.00 pm

Get together

Tuesday, April 08

08.30 am

Lecture I:


Christopher A. Pissarides (London School of Economics)


10.00 am

Coffee/Tea break


10.30 am

Lecture I:


Christopher A. Pissarides (London School of Economics)


12.30 am



02.30 pm

Poster Session I: 


  • Alfonso Arellano (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)
    "Do training programs get the unemployed back to work?: A look at the Spanish experience"
  • Ronald Bachmann (Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany)
    "Worker flows in five OECD countries"
  • Sylvain Daffix (University Lyon II, France)
    "Skills acquisition and innovation process: An econometric approach applied to the Defence Industrial Base "
  • Anna Katharina Greulich (University of Bonn, Germany)
    "Transition dynamics in a matching model with imperfect competition"
  • Dirk Oberschachtsiek (University of Lüneburg, Germany)
    "Start-ups out of unemployment - Critical success factors and program evaluation"
  • Julien Pouget (CREST-INSEE)
    "The impacts of relative wages and unemployment levels on the queues for public sector jobs"
  • Jean Ries (University Catholic of Louvain, Belgium)
    "The exhaustion of unemployment insurance in Belgium: Does it enhance the transition to jobs?"
  • Carlos Carillo Tudela (University of Essex, UK)
    "Optimal wage-experience contracts in search equilibrium"



04.00 pm

Coffee/Tea break



04.30 pm

Session 1


Salima Benhamou (University of Paris I, France)
"Information treatment, coordination and wage inequality"
Sher Verick (IZA, University of Bonn, Germany)
Celine Choulet (University of Paris I, France)
Max Gruetter (University of Zurich, Switzerland)



05.30 pm

Session 2


Mathias Hungerbuehler (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)
"Tax progression and human capital in a matching framework"
Carlos Carrillo Tudela (University of Essex, UK)
Andrey Launov (Munich University, Germany)
Giovanni Sulis (University of Essex, UK)





07.00 pm



08.00 pm

Get together



Wednesday, April 09

08.30 am

Lecture I:


Christopher A. Pissarides (London School of Economics)


10.00 am

Coffee/Tea break


10.30 am

Lecture I:


Christopher A. Pissarides (London School of Economics)


12.00 am



01.30 pm

Excursion to Munich: 


Thursday, April 10

08.30 am

Lecture II:


Jeffrey A. Smith (University of Maryland)


10.00 am

Coffee/Tea break


10.30 am

Lecture II:


Jeffrey A. Smith (University of Maryland)


12.00 am



02.00 pm

Session 3:

  Eva Moreno-Galbis (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)
"Low-skilled unemployment, embodied technical progress and capital skill complementary"
Axel Heitmüller (Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK)
Ronald Bachmann (Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany)
Anna Katharina Greulich (University of Bonn, Germany)
03.00 pm

Poster Session 2:

  • Manuela Angelucci (University College London, UK)
    "U.S. border enforcement and the inflow-outflow of mexican illegal migration"
  • Habiba Djebbari (University of Maryland)
    "Nutrition and income: evidence from an experiment in a developing country"
  • Patrick Hesselius (Uppsala University, Sweden)
    "Does sick absence increase the risk of unemployment?"
  • Mona Larsen (Danish National Institute of Social Research, Denmark)"An experimental analysis of the effect of a change of the post employment wage policy on retirement age"
  • Giovanni Sulis (University of Essex, UK)
    "Wage dispersion and equilibrium search models: Some evidence from Italy"
  • Sher Verick (IZA, University of Bonn, Germany)
    "Non-convexities and firm-level expansion of capital stock" Coffee/Tea break
04.00 pm

Coffee/ Tea break

 04.30 pm

Session 4:

  Christian Zehnder (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
"The behavioral effects of minimum wages"
Margo Alofs (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Silke Anger (Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany)
Patrick Hesselius (Uppsala University, Sweden)
05.30 pm

Poster Session 3:

  • Massimiliano Bratti (University of Ancona, Italy)
    "Family background and enrolled field at the undergraduate level in the UK"
  • Mike Brewer (University College London, UK)
    "Evaluation of in-work benefits and tax credits"
  • Celine Choulet (University of Paris I, France)
    "Public employment and labour market performance: the effect of the centralization in wage setting"
  • Magnus Gustavsson (Uppsala University, Sweden)
    "Labor market institutions and trends in earnings instability: Evidence from Sweden 1960-2000 with an international comparison"
  • Daver Kahvecioglu (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,USA)
    "A life-cycle model of retirement, savings, and portfolio allocation"
  • Andrey Launov (Munich University, Germany)
    "Study of the Austrian labour market dynamics through a model of search equilibrium"
7.00 pm  Dinner
8.00 pm Get together

Friday, April 11

8.30 am

Lecture II:


Jeffrey A. Smith (University of Maryland)


10.00 am

Coffee/Tea break


10.30 am

Lecture II:


Jeffrey A. Smith (University of Maryland)


12.30 am



02.30 pm

Poster Session 4

  • Margo Alofs (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
    "Migration policy, irregular migration and social security"
  • Silke Anger (Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany)
    "Overtime work in Germany: Differences between East and West"
  • Francesca Cornaglia (University of Torino, Italy)
    "Labour market reforms and career profiles of young workers in Italy"
  • Max Gruetter (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
    "Inter-industry wage differentials in Austria: Evidence from matched firm-worker data"
  • Axel Heitmüller (Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK)
    "Job mobility in Britain: Are the Scots different? Evidence from the BHPS"
  • Marianne Simonsen (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
    "Does the presence of children lower wages for women?"
  • Lars Skipper (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
    "The impact of classroom training programs on individual unemployment rates in Denmark"

04.00 pm

Coffee/Tea break


04.30 pm

Session 5:


Pierre-Carl Michaud (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
"A joint labor supply model for older couples"
Julien Pouget (CREST-INSEE, France)
Mike Brewer (University College London, UK)
Daver Kahvecioglu (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)


05.30 pm

Session 6:

  Fabio Soares (University College London, UK)
"Minimum wage and occupational mobility"
Marianne Simonsen (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Habiba Djebbari (University of Maryland)
Jean Ries (University Catholic of Louvain, Belgium)

07.00 pm



08.00 pm

Get together

8.30 am

Lecture II:


Jeffrey A. Smith (University of Maryland)


10.00 am

Coffee/Tea break


10.30 am

Lecture II:


Jeffrey A. Smith (University of Maryland)


12.30 am



03.00 pm

Session 7:

  Hans J. Baumgartner (DIW Berlin, Germany)
"Early career income and the quality of schooling in West Germany"
Dirk Oberschachtsiek (University of Lueneburg, Germany)
Francesca Cornaglia (University of Torino, Italy)
Magnus Gustavsson (Uppsala University, Sweden)

04.00 pm

Coffee/Tea break


04.30 pm

Session 8:

  Tarja K. Viitanen (University of Warwick, UK)
"Children and their mothers' labour supply: Evidence from a large-scale experiment in Finland"
Lars Skipper (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Manuela Angelucci (University College London, UK)
Alfonso Arellano (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)

05.30 pm

Session 9:

  Theodora Xenogiani (London School of Economics, UK)
"The demand for women and workplace organisation changes. The role of the demand for skills"
Mona Larsen (Danish National Institute of Social Research, Denmark)
Massimiliano Bratti (University of Ancona, Italy)
Sylvain Daffix (University of Lyon II, France)

07.00 pm



08.00 pm

Get together


Sunday, April 13

      Departure after Breakfast


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