The two lecture series of the 2nd IZA summer school were held by Costas Meghir (University College and FIS, London) and Dennis Snower (Birbeck College, London). A short description of these lectures is given in Section 2 of this report.
Once again, the participants of the 2nd IZA Summer School came from a wide range of European countries, creating a very colorful and productive international environment. The students themselves were selected by a committee out of more than 120 applicants. Each student presented their work during the course of the week, either through giving a presentation or through explaining their work in a poster session. These presentations and posters framed the setting for many a lively discussion.
The structure of this report of the 2nd IZA Summer School in Labor Economics is as follows: More information about the student
presentations and poster sessions is given in Section 3. Section 4 describes the summer school excursion to the Castle
Neuschwanstein. Section 5 presents the full program of the summer school, including the list of titles and authors of the work presented.
Section 6 lists the participants.