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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4717 Elena Cottini, Claudio Lucifora Mental Health and Working Conditions in European Countries
(published in: ILR Review, 2013, 66 (4), 958-988)
January 2010 Abstract
4716 Leilanie Basilio, Thomas K. Bauer Transferability of Human Capital and Immigrant Assimilation: An Analysis for Germany
(published in: Labour, 2017, 31 (3), 245 - 264)
January 2010 Abstract
4715 Ariel Kalil, Magne Mogstad, Mari Rege, Mark Votruba Divorced Fathers' Proximity and Children's Long Run Outcomes: Evidence from Norwegian Registry Data
(published in: Demography, 2011, 48 (3), 1005-1027)
January 2010 Abstract
4714 Rolf Aaberge, Magne Mogstad, Vito Peragine Measuring Long-Term Inequality of Opportunity
(published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2011, 95 (3-4), 193-204)
January 2010 Abstract
4713 Konstantinos Pouliakas Pay Enough, Don't Pay Too Much or Don't Pay at All? The Impact of Bonus Intensity on Job Satisfaction
(published in: Kyklos, 2010, 63 (4), 597-626)
January 2010 Abstract
4712 Laura Hospido Modelling Heterogeneity and Dynamics in the Volatility of Individual Wages
(published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2012, 27 (3), 386-414)
January 2010 Abstract
4711 Olivier Bargain, Prudence Magejo Is Informality Bad? Evidence from Brazil, Mexico and South Africa
(published as 'Earnings Structure, Informal Employment and Self-Employment: New Evidence from Brazil, Mexico and South Africa' in: Review of Income and Wealth, 2011, 57, S100-S122)
January 2010 Abstract
4710 Björn Bartling, Ernst Fehr, Klaus M. Schmidt Screening, Competition, and Job Design: Economic Origins of Good Jobs
(published in: American Economic Review, 2012, 102 (2), 834-864)
January 2010 Abstract
4709 Miguel A. Costa-Gomes, Steffen Huck, Georg Weizsäcker Beliefs and Actions in the Trust Game: Creating Instrumental Variables to Estimate the Causal Effect January 2010 Abstract
4708 Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Jeremy Greenwood, Nezih Guner From Shame to Game in One Hundred Years: An Economic Model of the Rise in Premarital Sex and its De-Stigmatization
(published in: Journal of European Economic Association, 2014, 12 (1), 25-61)
January 2010 Abstract
4707 Erkki Koskela, Jan König Profit Sharing, Wage Formation and Flexible Outsourcing under Labor Market Imperfection
(published in: Review of International Economics, 2012, 20 (1), 18-28)
January 2010 Abstract
4706 Fernanda Brollo, Tommaso Nannicini, Roberto Perotti, Guido Tabellini The Political Resource Curse
(published in: American Economic Review, 2013, 103 (5), 1759-1796)
January 2010 Abstract
4705 David N.F. Bell, David G. Blanchflower Youth Unemployment: Déjŕ Vu? January 2010 Abstract
4704 Harley Frazis, Jay Stewart Why Do BLS Hours Series Tell Different Stories About Trends in Hours Worked?
(published in: Katharine G. Abraham, Michael J. Harper, and James R. Spletzer (eds.), Labor in the New Economy, NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press, 2010, 343-372)
January 2010 Abstract
4703 Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Xavier Ramos Inequality Aversion and Risk Attitudes
(substantially revised version published as "Distaste for Inequality? The Role of Risk Aversion" in: M. Rojas (ed.), The Economics of Happiness, Springer, 2019.)
January 2010 Abstract
4702 Flavio Cunha, James J. Heckman, Susanne Schennach Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation
(published in: Econometrica, 2010, 78 (3), 883-931)
January 2010 Abstract
4701 Susanne Ek Spector, Bertil Holmlund Family Job Search, Wage Bargaining, and Optimal Unemployment Insurance
(published in: B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy, 2010, 10 (1))
January 2010 Abstract
4700 Marc Ferracci, Grégory Jolivet, Gerard J. van den Berg Treatment Evaluation in the Case of Interactions within Markets
(published as 'Evidence of Treatment Spillovers within Markets', 2014, 96 (5), 812 - 823)
January 2010 Abstract
4699 Rolf Aaberge, Magne Mogstad On the Measurement of Long-Term Income Inequality and Income Mobility January 2010 Abstract
4698 Julie Zissimopoulos, James P. Smith Unequal Giving: Monetary Gifts to Children Across Countries and Over Time
(published in: Timothy Smeeding, Robert Erikson, and Markus Jantti (eds.), Persistence, Privilege, Policy and Parenting: The Comparative Study of Intergenerational Mobility. Russell Sage Foundation, 2011)
January 2010 Abstract
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