IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
3940 Andrew E. Clark Work, Jobs and Well-Being across the Millennium
(published in: Ed Diener, John Helliwell, and Danny Kahneman (eds.), International Differences in Well-Being. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010)
January 2009 Abstract
3939 Johannes Abeler, Armin Falk, Lorenz Götte, David B. Huffman Reference Points and Effort Provision
(published in: American Economic Review, 2011, 101 (2), 470-492)
January 2009 Abstract
3938 Thierry Lallemand, François Rycx Are Young and Old Workers Harmful for Firm Productivity?
(published in: De Economist, 2009, 157 (3), 273-292)
January 2009 Abstract
3937 Wen-Jui Han, Christopher J. Ruhm, Jane Waldfogel, Elizabeth Washbrook Public Policies and Women's Employment after Childbearing
(published in: B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy, 2011, 11(1), 1 - 48)
January 2009 Abstract
3936 J. David Brown, Julie L. Hotchkiss, Myriam Quispe-Agnoli Undocumented Worker Employment and Firm Survival
(published as 'Does Employing Undocumented Workers Give Firms a Competitive Advantage?' in: Journal of Regional Science, 2013, 53 (1), 158-170)
January 2009 Abstract
3935 Paulo Guimaraes, Pedro Portugal A Simple Feasible Alternative Procedure to Estimate Models with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects
(published as 'A Simple Feasible Alternative Procedure to Fit Models with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects' in: Stata Journal, 2010, 10 (4), 628-649)
January 2009 Abstract
3934 Vladimir Gimpelson, Rostislav Kapeliushnikov, Anna Lukiyanova Stuck Between Surplus and Shortage: Demand for Skills in the Russian Industry
(published in: Labour, 2010, 24(3), 311–332)
January 2009 Abstract
3933 David A. Benson, Aaron Lies, Albert A. Okunade, Phanindra V. Wunnava Small Business Economics of the Lakota Fund on the Native American Indian Reservation
(published in: Small Business Economics, 2011, 36 (2), 157-168)
January 2009 Abstract
3932 Maurice Kugler, Eric Verhoogen The Quality-Complementarity Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence from Colombia
(revised version published as 'Prices, Plant Size, and Product Quality' in: Review of Economic Studies, 2012, 79 (1), 307-339)
January 2009 Abstract
3931 Delia Furtado Cross-Nativity Marriages and Human Capital Levels of Children
(published in: Research in Labor Economics, 2009, 29, 273 - 296)
January 2009 Abstract
3930 Erling Barth, Harald Dale-Olsen Monopsonistic Discrimination, Worker Turnover, and the Gender Wage Gap
(published in: Labour Economics, 2009, 16 (5), 589-597)
January 2009 Abstract
3929 Holger Seebens Child Welfare and Old-Age Security in Female Headed Households in Tanzania January 2009 Abstract
3928 Kristian Giesen, Jens Suedekum Zipf's Law for Cities in the Regions and the Country
(published in: Journal of Economic Geography, 2011, 11 (4), 667-686)
January 2009 Abstract
3927 Eswar Prasad India's Approach to Capital Account Liberalization
(published in: Brookings India Policy Forum, August 2009)
January 2009 Abstract
3926 John Gibson, David McKenzie The Microeconomic Determinants of Emigration and Return Migration of the Best and Brightest: Evidence from the Pacific
(published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2011, 95 (1), 18-29)
January 2009 Abstract
3925 Amy Finkelstein, Erzo F.P. Luttmer, Matthew J. Notowidigdo Approaches to Estimating the Health State Dependence of the Utility Function
(published in: American Economic Review, 2009, 99(2), 116–121)
January 2009 Abstract
3924 Marika Karanassou, Hector Sala Labour Market Dynamics in Australia: What Drives Unemployment?
(published in: Economic Record, 2010, 86 (273), 185-209)
January 2009 Abstract
3923 Daniel Radowski, Holger Bonin Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in Services: Direct Evidence from a Firm Survey
(published in: Economics Letters, 2010, 106 (3), 227-229)
January 2009 Abstract
3922 Matloob Piracha, Florin Vadean Return Migration and Occupational Choice
(published in: World Development, 2010, 38(8), 1141-1155)
January 2009 Abstract
3921 Jennifer Hunt, Marjolaine Gauthier-Loiselle How Much Does Immigration Boost Innovation?
(published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2010, 2 (2), 31-56)
January 2009 Abstract
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