IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4737 Simone Bertoli, Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga, Francesc Ortega Immigration Policies and the Ecuadorian Exodus
(published in: World Bank Economic Review, 2011, 25 (1), 57-76)
February 2010 Abstract
4736 Alan Barrett, Jean Goggin Returning to the Question of a Wage Premium for Returning Migrants
(published in: National Institute Economic Review, 2010, 213 (1), R43-R51)
February 2010 Abstract
4735 Martin Kahanec, Michael P. Shields The Working Hours of Immigrants in Germany: Temporary versus Permanent
(published in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2013, 2:14 [journal version])
January 2010 Abstract
4734 Konstantinos Pouliakas, Ioannis Theodossiou An Inquiry into the Theory, Causes and Consequences of Monitoring Indicators of Health and Safety at Work
(revised version published as 'The Economics of Health and Safety at Work: An Interdisciplinary Review of the Theory and Policy' in: Journal of Economic Surveys, 2013, 27 (1), 167 - 208)
January 2010 Abstract
4733 Elena Bardasi, Kathleen Beegle, Andrew Dillon, Pieter Serneels Do Labor Statistics Depend on How and to Whom the Questions Are Asked? Results from a Survey Experiment in Tanzania
(published in: World Bank Economic Review, 2012, 25 (3), 418-447)
January 2010 Abstract
4732 Matthias Sutter, Simon Czermak, Francesco Feri Strategic Sophistication of Individuals and Teams in Experimental Normal-Form Games
(revised version published as 'Strategic sophistication of individuals and teams. Experimental evidence' in: European Economic Review, 2013, 64, 395-410)
January 2010 Abstract
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.
Jozef Konings, Stijn Vanormelingen The Impact of Training on Productivity and Wages: Firm Level Evidence
(published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97 (3), 485-497 )
January 2010 Abstract
4730 Bénédicte Apouey, Andrew E. Clark Winning Big but Feeling No Better? The Effect of Lottery Prizes on Physical and Mental Health
(published in: Health Economics, 2015, 24 (5), 516-538)
January 2010 Abstract
4729 Peter Debaere, Holger Görg, Horst Raff Greasing the Wheels of International Commerce: How Services Facilitate Firms' International Sourcing
(published in: Canadian Journal of Economics, 2013, 46 (1), 78-102)
January 2010 Abstract
4728 Francesco Bogliacino, Marco Vivarelli The Job Creation Effect of R&D Expenditures
(published in: Australian Economic Papers, 2012, 51 (2), 96-113)
January 2010 Abstract
4727 Bernard M. S. van Praag Well-being Inequality and Reference Groups: An Agenda for New Research
(published in: Journal of Economic Inequality, 2011, 9 (1), 111-127)
January 2010 Abstract
4726 Alexander M. Danzer Retirement Responses to a Generous Pension Reform: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Eastern Europe
(revised version published as 'Benefit Generosity and the Income Effect on Labour Supply: Quasi-Experimental Evidence' in: Economic Journal, 2013, 123 (571), 1059-1084)
January 2010 Abstract
4725 Martin Schlotter, Guido Schwerdt, Ludger Woessmann Econometric Methods for Causal Evaluation of Education Policies and Practices: A Non-Technical Guide
(published in: Education Economics, 2011, 19 (2), 109-137)
January 2010 Abstract
4724 Bruno Contini, Elisa Grand Disposable Workforce in Italy January 2010 Abstract
4723 Vincent Boucher, Yann Bramoullé, Habiba Djebbari, Bernard Fortin Do Peers Affect Student Achievement? Evidence from Canada Using Group Size Variation
(revised version published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2014, 29 (1), 91-109)
January 2010 Abstract
4722 Nigel Driffield, Sourafel Girma, Michael Henry, Karl Taylor Wage Inequality, Linkages and FDI January 2010 Abstract
4721 Miikka Rokkanen, Roope Uusitalo Changes in Job Stability: Evidence from Lifetime Job Histories January 2010 Abstract
4720 David N.F. Bell, Robert A. Hart Retire Later or Work Harder? January 2010 Abstract
4719 Stephen Machin, Kjell G. Salvanes Valuing School Quality via a School Choice Reform
(published in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2016, 118, 3-24)
January 2010 Abstract
4718 Bruno Contini Youth Employment in Europe: Institutions and Social Capital Explain Better than Mainstream Economics January 2010 Abstract
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