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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
3960 Patrik Hesselius, Per Johansson, Peter Nilsson Sick of Your Colleagues' Absence?
(published in: Journal of European Economic Association, 2009, 7 (2–3), 1–12)
January 2009 Abstract
3959 Sebastian J. Goerg, Sebastian Kube, Ro'i Zultan Treating Equals Unequally: Incentives in Teams, Workers' Motivation and Production Technology
(published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 2010, 28 (4), 747 - 772)
January 2009 Abstract
3958 J. David Brown, John S. Earle, Scott Gehlbach Helping Hand or Grabbing Hand? State Bureaucracy and Privatization Effectiveness
(published in: American Political Science Review, 2009, 103(2), 264-283)
January 2009 Abstract
3957 Marie Drolet, Karen A. Mumford The Gender Pay Gap for Private Sector Employees in Canada and Britain
(revised version published in British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012, 50 (3), 529-553)
January 2009 Abstract
3956 William Breit, Barry Hirsch Lessons from the Laureates
(published in: William Breit and Barry T. Hirsch (eds.), Lives of the Laureates: Twenty-three Nobel Economists, 5th ed., Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009)
January 2009 Abstract
3955 Michael C. Burda, Daniel S. Hamermesh Unemployment, Market Work and Household Production
(published in: Economics Letters, 2010, 107 (2), 131-133)
January 2009 Abstract
3954 Tim Callan, Claire Keane Non-Cash Benefits and the Distribution of Economic Welfare
(published in: Economic and Social Review, 2009, 40 (1), 49-72)
January 2009 Abstract
3953 Motasam Tatahi, Almas Heshmati The Financial and Operating Performance of Privatized Firms in Sweden January 2009 Abstract
3952 Gulcin Gumus, Tracy L. Regan Self-Employment and the Role of Health Insurance
(revised version published in: Journal of Business Venturing, 2015, 30 (3), 357–374)
January 2009 Abstract
3951 Delia Furtado, Nikolaos Theodoropoulos I'll Marry You If You Get Me a Job: Marital Assimilation and Immigrant Employment Rates
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30 (1+2), 116-126)
January 2009 Abstract
3950 Guillermina Jasso Ethnicity and the Immigration of Highly Skilled Workers to the United States
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30 (1+2), 26-42)
January 2009 Abstract
3949 Blen Solomon, Jean Kimmel Testing the Inverseness of Fertility and Labor Supply: The Case of Ethiopia January 2009 Abstract
3948 Charles Bellemare, Patrick Lepage, Bruce S. Shearer Peer Pressure, Incentives, and Gender: An Experimental Analysis of Motivation in the Workplace
(published in: Labour Economics, 2010, 17 (1), 276-283)
January 2009 Abstract
3947 Matz Dahlberg, Kajsa Johansson, Eva Mörk On Mandatory Activation of Welfare Recipients January 2009 Abstract
3946 Davide Dottori, I-Ling Shen Low-Skilled Immigration and the Expansion of Private Schools January 2009 Abstract
3945 Raquel Ortega-Argilés, Mariacristina Piva, Lesley Potters, Marco Vivarelli Is Corporate R&D Investment in High-Tech Sectors More Effective? Some Guidelines for European Research Policy
(published in: Contemporary Economic Policy, 2010, 28 (3), 353-365)
January 2009 Abstract
3944 Christian Bredemeier, Falko Juessen Household Labor Supply and Home Services in a General-Equilibrium Model with Heterogeneous Agents January 2009 Abstract
3943 Alpaslan Akay The Wooldridge Method for the Initial Values Problem Is Simple: What About Performance?
(revised version published as 'Finite-sample comparison of alternative methods for estimating dynamic panel data models' in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2011, 27 (7), 1189-1204 )
January 2009 Abstract
3942 Eva Mörk, Anna Sjögren, Helena Svaleryd Cheaper Child Care, More Children January 2009 Abstract
3941 Vladimir Gimpelson, Anna Lukiyanova Are Public Sector Workers Underpaid in Russia? Estimating the Public-Private Wage Gap January 2009 Abstract
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