IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4757 Pedro S. Martins, Gary Solon, Jonathan P. Thomas Measuring What Employers Really Do about Entry Wages over the Business Cycle
(published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2012, 4 (4), 36-55)
February 2010 Abstract
4756 Stephan Meier, Charles Sprenger Stability of Time Preferences
(revised version published as 'Temporal Stability of Time Preferences' in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97(2), 273-286)
February 2010 Abstract
4755 Eugenio Proto, Daniel Sgroi, Andrew J. Oswald Are Happiness and Productivity Lower among University Students with Newly-Divorced Parents? An Experimental Approach
(published in: Experimental Economics, 2012, 15 (1), 1-23)
February 2010 Abstract
4754 Núria Rodríguez-Planas Longer-Term Impacts of Mentoring, Educational Services, and Incentives to Learn: Evidence from a Randomized Trial
(substantially revised version published as 'Longer-Term Impacts of Mentoring, Educational Services, and Learning Incentives: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in the United States' in: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2012, 4 (4), 121-139)
February 2010 Abstract
4753 Florencia López Bóo Returns to Education and Macroeconomic Shocks: Evidence from Argentina February 2010 Abstract
4752 Emmanuel Saez, Manos Matsaganis, Panos Tsakloglou Earnings Determination and Taxes: Evidence from a Cohort Based Payroll Tax Reform in Greece
(published in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2012, 127 (1), 493-533)
February 2010 Abstract
4751 Achim Schmillen, Joachim Möller Determinants of Lifetime Unemployment: A Micro Data Analysis with Censored Quantile Regressions
(published as "Distribution and determinants of lifetime unemployment" in: Labour Economics, 2012, 19 (1), 33-47)
February 2010 Abstract
4750 Marco Caliendo, Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Arne Uhlendorff Locus of Control and Job Search Strategies
(published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97(1), 88-103, Supplementary Appendix available)
February 2010 Abstract
4749 Elliott Fan, Xin Meng, Zhichao Wei, Guochang Zhao Rates of Return to University Education: The Regression Discontinuity Design
(published in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2018, 120 (4), 1011-1042.)
February 2010 Abstract
4748 Wang-Sheng Lee, Sandy Suardi Minimum Wages and Employment: Reconsidering the Use of a Time-Series Approach as an Evaluation Tool
(published in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2011, 49, s376 - s401)
February 2010 Abstract
4747 Alberto Alesina, Yann Algan, Pierre Cahuc, Paola Giuliano Family Values and the Regulation of Labor
(published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2015, 13 (4), 599-630)
February 2010 Abstract
4746 Danila Serra, Pieter Serneels, Abigail Barr Intrinsic Motivations and the Non-Profit Health Sector: Evidence from Ethiopia
(published in: Personality and Individual Differences, 2011, 51 (3), 309-314)
February 2010 Abstract
4745 Jennifer Hunt Which Immigrants Are Most Innovative and Entrepreneurial? Distinctions by Entry Visa
(published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 2011, 29 (3), 417-457)
February 2010 Abstract
4744 Jiong Tu The Effect of Enclave Residence on the Labour Force Activities of Immigrants in Canada February 2010 Abstract
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.
Oliver Falck, Stephan Heblich, Alfred Lameli, Jens Suedekum Dialects, Cultural Identity, and Economic Exchange
(published in: Journal of Urban Economics, 2012, 72 (2-3), 225-239)
February 2010 Abstract
4742 Alexander M. Danzer, Firat Yaman Ethnic Concentration and Language Fluency of Immigrants in Germany
(revised version published as 'Ethnic concentration and language fluency of immigrants: Evidence from the guest-worker placement in Germany' in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2016, 131(A), 151-165)
February 2010 Abstract
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.
Leo Kaas, Christian Manger Ethnic Discrimination in Germany's Labour Market: A Field Experiment
(published in: German Economic Review, 2012, 13 (1), 1-20)
February 2010 Abstract
4740 Francisco Javier Arias-Vazquez, Oliver Azuara, Pedro Bernal, James J. Heckman, Cajeme Villarreal Policies to Promote Growth and Economic Efficiency in Mexico February 2010 Abstract
4739 Sherrilyn M. Billger Demographics, Fiscal Health, and School Quality: Shedding Light on School Closure Decisions February 2010 Abstract
4738 Peter Arcidiacono, V. Joseph Hotz, Songman Kang Modeling College Major Choices Using Elicited Measures of Expectations and Counterfactuals
(published in: Journal of Econometrics, 2012, 166 (1), 3-16)
February 2010 Abstract
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