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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.
James J. Heckman, Sergio Urzua Comparing IV with Structural Models: What Simple IV Can and Cannot Identify
(published in: Journal of Econometrics, 2010, 156 (1), 27-37)
January 2009 Abstract
3979 Yiu Por (Vincent) Chen Cream-Skimmer or Underdog? Labor Type Selectivity, Pre-Program Wage, and Rural Labor Training Program Outcome January 2009 Abstract
3978 Catia Nicodemo Gender Pay Gap and Quantile Regression in European Families January 2009 Abstract
3977 Philipp C. Bauer, Regina T. Riphahn Age at School Entry and Intergenerational Educational Mobility
(published in: Economics Letters, 2009, 103 (2), 87-90)
January 2009 Abstract
3976 Horst Entorf Crime and the Labour Market: Evidence from a Survey of Inmates
(published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 2009, 229 (2+3), 254-269)
January 2009 Abstract
3975 Graziella Bertocchi, Marianna Brunetti, Costanza Torricelli Marriage and Other Risky Assets: A Portfolio Approach
(revised version published in: Journal of Banking and Finance, 2011, 24 (11), 2902 - 2915)
January 2009 Abstract
3974 Christopher Dawson, Andrew Henley, Paul L. Latreille Why Do Individuals Choose Self-Employment?
(published as 'Individual Motives for Choosing Self-employment in the UK: Does Region Matter?' in: Regional Studies, 2014, 48(5), 804-822)
January 2009 Abstract
3973 Mehtabul Azam A Distributional Analysis of Social Group Inequality in Rural India
(revised version published in: Journal of International Development, 2012, 24 (4), 415–432)
January 2009 Abstract
3972 Magnus Carlsson, Dan-Olof Rooth The Impact of Being Monitored on Discriminatory Behavior among Employers: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
(published as 'The Power of Media and Changes in Discriminatory Behavior Among Employers' in: Journal of Media Economics, 2012, 25 (2), 98-108)
January 2009 Abstract
3971 Daniel A. Powers, Myeong-Su Yun Multivariate Decomposition for Hazard Rate Models
(published in: Sociological Methodology, 2009, 39(1), 233-263)
January 2009 Abstract
3970 David Autor, David Dorn This Job Is 'Getting Old:' Measuring Changes in Job Opportunities Using Occupational Age Structure
(published in: American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings, 2009, 99 (2), 45-51)
January 2009 Abstract
3969 Andrew Henley Switching Costs and Occupational Transition into Self-Employment January 2009 Abstract
3968 Mehtabul Azam India's Increasing Skill Premium: Role of Demand and Supply
(revised version published in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. Volume 10, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 1935-1682, October 2010)
January 2009 Abstract
3967 Lídia Farré, Roger Klein, Francis Vella Does Increasing Parents' Schooling Raise the Schooling of the Next Generation? Evidence Based on Conditional Second Moments
(published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2012, 74 (5), 676–690)
January 2009 Abstract
3966 Xavier de Luna, Per Johansson Non-Parametric Inference for the Effect of a Treatment on Survival Times with Application in the Health and Social Sciences
(published in: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010, 140 (7), 2122-2137)
January 2009 Abstract
3965 Herwig Immervoll, Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Claus Thustrup Kreiner, Nicolaj Verdelin An Evaluation of the Tax-Transfer Treatment of Married Couples in European Countries
(completely different version published as 'Optimal tax and transfer programs for couples with extensive labor supply responses' in: Journal of Public Economics, 2011, 95 (11-12), 1485-1500)
January 2009 Abstract
3964 Fabrice Murtin, Martina Viarengo American Education in the Age of Mass Migrations 1870-1930
(published in: Cliometrica, 2010, 4(2), 113-139)
January 2009 Abstract
3963 Mehtabul Azam Changes in Wage Structure in Urban India 1983-2004: A Quantile Regression Decomposition
(revised version published in: World Development, 2012, 40 (6), 1135-1150)
January 2009 Abstract
3962 Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, Christopher Woodruff Innovative Firms or Innovative Owners? Determinants of Innovation in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises January 2009 Abstract
3961 David A. Jaeger, Juliane Parys On the Sensitivity of Return to Schooling Estimates to Estimation Methods, Model Specification, and Influential Outliers If Identification Is Weak January 2009 Abstract
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