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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4777 Simonetta Longhi Job Competition and the Wage Curve
(published in: Regional Studies, 2012, 46 (5), 611-620)
February 2010 Abstract
4776 Yasheng Maimaiti, W. Stanley Siebert Wage Work for Women: The Menstrual Cycle and the Power of Water February 2010 Abstract
4775 Petter Lundborg, Paul Nystedt, Dan-Olof Rooth No Country for Fat Men? Obesity, Earnings, Skills, and Health among 450,000 Swedish Men
(published as 'Body Size, Skills, and Income: Evidence From 150,000 Teenage Siblings' in: Demography, 2014, 51, 1573-1596)
February 2010 Abstract
4774 David W. Johnston, Michael E. R. Nicholls, Manisha Shah, Michael A. Shields Handedness, Health and Cognitive Development: Evidence from Children in the NLSY
(published in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society), 2013, 176 (4), 841-860)
February 2010 Abstract
4773 Conny Wunsch Optimal Use of Labor Market Policies: The Role of Job Search Assistance
(published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013, 95 (3), 1030-1045)
February 2010 Abstract
4772 Jonathan Haskel, Gavin Wallis Public Support for Innovation, Intangible Investment and Productivity Growth in the UK Market Sector
(published in: Economics Letters, 2013, 119 (2), 195-198)
February 2010 Abstract
4771 Olaf Hübler, Lukas Menkhoff Do Women Manage Smaller Funds?
(published in: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2011, 58 (1), 107-126)
February 2010 Abstract
4770 Andreas Peichl, Nico Pestel, Hilmar Schneider Does Size Matter? The Impact of Changes in Household Structure on Income Distribution in Germany
(revised version published in: Review of Income and Wealth, 2012, 58 (1), 118-141)
February 2010 Abstract
4769 Rolf Aaberge, Magne Mogstad Robust Inequality Comparisons
(published in: Journal of Economic Inequality, 2011, 9 (3), 353-371)
February 2010 Abstract
4768 Anh T. Le, Paul W. Miller The Effect of Children on Specialization and Coordination of Partners' Activities
(published in: Economics Letters, 2010, 108 (2), 237-241)
February 2010 Abstract
4767 Andrea Ichino, Loukas Karabarbounis, Enrico Moretti The Political Economy of Intergenerational Income Mobility
(published in: Economic Inquiry, 2011, 49 (1), 47-69)
February 2010 Abstract
4766 Josse Delfgaauw, Robert Dur Managerial Talent, Motivation, and Self-Selection into Public Management
(published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2010, 94 (9-10), 654-660)
February 2010 Abstract
4765 Jan C. van Ours, Lenny Stoeldraijer Age, Wage and Productivity
(published as 'Age, Wage and Productivity in Dutch Manufacturing' in: De Economist, 2011, 159 (2) , 113-137)
February 2010 Abstract
4764 Loren Brandt, Xiaodong Zhu Accounting for China's Growth February 2010 Abstract
4763 Faisal Rabby, William M. Rodgers III The Impact of 9/11 and the London Bombings on the Employment and Earnings of U.K. Muslims February 2010 Abstract
4762 Solomon Polachek, Daria Sevastianova Does Conflict Disrupt Growth? Evidence of the Relationship between Political Instability and National Economic Performance
(published in: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2012, 21 (3), 361 - 388)
February 2010 Abstract
4761 Gulcin Gumus, Jungmin Lee The ART of Life: IVF or Child Adoption?
(revised version published as 'Alternative Paths to Parenthood: IVF or Child Adoption?' in: Economic Inquiry, 2012, 50 (3), 802-820)
February 2010 Abstract
4760 John T. Addison, Alex Bryson, Paulino Teixeira, André Pahnke Slip Sliding Away: Further Union Decline in Germany and Britain
(published in: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2011, 58 (4), 490-518)
February 2010 Abstract
4759 Richard Akresh, Eric V. Edmonds The Analytical Returns to Measuring a Detailed Household Roster February 2010 Abstract
4758 Thorsten Beck, Katie Kibuuka, Erwin R. Tiongson Mortgage Finance in Central and Eastern Europe: Opportunity or Burden? February 2010 Abstract
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