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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4040 David N.F. Bell, David G. Blanchflower What Should Be Done about Rising Unemployment in the UK?
(published in two parts: 1) 'UK unemployment in the Great recessions': National Institute Economic Review, 2010, 214, R3-R25; 2) 'Underemployment in the UK in the Great Recession': National Institute Economic Review, 2011, 215, R1-R11)
February 2009 Abstract
4039 Alexander K. Koch, Albrecht Morgenstern Coordination under the Shadow of Career Concerns
(published in: B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics: Topics in Theoretical Economics, 2010, 10 (1), Article 10)
February 2009 Abstract
4038 Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Thouraya Hadj Amor Essid, Christophe Rault International Financial Integration and Real Exchange Rate Long-Run Dynamics in Emerging Countries: Some Panel Evidence
(published in: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2011, 20 (6), 789 - 808)
February 2009 Abstract
4037 M. Ayhan Kose, Eswar Prasad, Kenneth Rogoff, Shang-Jin Wei Financial Globalization and Economic Policies
(published in: Dani Rodrik and Mark Rosenzweig (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 5, The Netherlands: North-Holland, 2010, 4283-4362.)
February 2009 Abstract
4036 James P. Smith Re-Constructing Childhood Health Histories
(published in: Demography 46(2):387-403, May 2009)
February 2009 Abstract
4035 Bruno Contini Forecasting Errors: Yet More Problems for Identification? February 2009 Abstract
4034 Andries de Grip, Maarten Lindeboom, Raymond Montizaan Shattered Dreams: The Effects of Changing the Pension System Late in the Game
(published in: Economic Journal, 2012, 122 (559), 1–25)
February 2009 Abstract
4033 John S. Heywood, W. Stanley Siebert Understanding the Labour Market for Older Workers: A Survey February 2009 Abstract
4032 Paola Giuliano, Prachi Mishra, Antonio Spilimbergo Democracy and Reforms
(published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2013, 5(4), 179-204)
February 2009 Abstract
4031 Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Eric Smith Wage Dispersion and Wage Dynamics Within and Across Firms February 2009 Abstract
4030 Uwe Dulleck, Rudolf Kerschbamer, Matthias Sutter The Economics of Credence Goods: On the Role of Liability, Verifiability, Reputation and Competition
(revised version published in: American Economic Review, 2011, 101 (2), 526-555)
February 2009 Abstract
4029 Heather Antecol, Michael D. Steinberger Female Labor Supply Differences by Sexual Orientation: A Semi-Parametric Decomposition Approach
(published as 'Labor Supply Differences between Married Heterosexual Women and Partnered Lesbians: A Semi-Parametric Decomposition Approach' in: Economic Inquiry, 2010, [Early View])
February 2009 Abstract
4028 Jonathan Haskel, Raffaella Sadun Regulation and UK Retailing Productivity: Evidence from Micro Data February 2009 Abstract
4027 Alison L. Booth, Patrick J. Nolen Choosing to Compete: How Different Are Girls and Boys?
(published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 81 (2), 542 - 555)
February 2009 Abstract
4026 Alison L. Booth, Patrick J. Nolen Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour: Does Nurture Matter?
(published in: Economic Journal, 2012, 122 (558), F56 - F78)
February 2009 Abstract
4025 Paul Frijters, Maarten Lindeboom, Gerard J. van den Berg Persistencies in the Labour Market
(forthcoming in: R&R Oxford bulletin of Economics and Statistics)
February 2009 Abstract
4024 Oscar A. Mitnik How Do Training Programs Assign Participants to Training? Characterizing the Assignment Rules of Government Agencies for Welfare-to-Work Programs in California February 2009 Abstract
4023 Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Olaf Groh-Samberg The Impact of Home Production on Economic Inequality in Germany February 2009 Abstract
4022 Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Arthur van Soest, Erik Wengström Heterogeneity in Risky Choice Behaviour in a Broad Population
(published in: American Economic Review, 2011, 101 (2), 664-694)
February 2009 Abstract
4021 Tony Clayton, Mariela Dal Borgo, Jonathan Haskel An Innovation Index Based on Knowledge Capital Investment: Definition and Results for the UK Market Sector February 2009 Abstract
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