IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4837 Laurence Jacquet, Etienne Lehmann, Bruno Van der Linden Optimal Redistributive Taxation with Both Extensive and Intensive Responses
(published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 2013, 148 (5), 1770-1805)
March 2010 Abstract
4836 Giorgio Di Pietro The Impact of Degree Class on the First Destinations of Graduates: A Regression Discontinuity Approach March 2010 Abstract
4835 Christian Belzil, Jörgen Hansen The Distinction between Dictatorial and Incentive Policy Interventions and its Implication for IV Estimation March 2010 Abstract
4834 Fabrizio Coricelli, Nigel Driffield, Sarmistha Pal, Isabelle Roland Excess Leverage and Productivity Growth in Emerging Economies: Is There A Threshold Effect?
(revised version published as 'When does leverage hurt productivity growth? A firm-level analysis' in: Journal of International Money and Finance, 2012, 31 (6), 1674-1694)
March 2010 Abstract
4833 Carmen Camacho, I-Ling Shen Public Education for the Children Left Behind March 2010 Abstract
4832 Mathias Hungerbühler, Etienne Lehmann, Alexis Parmentier, Bruno Van der Linden A Simple Theory of Optimal Redistributive Taxation with Equilibrium Unemployment
(published in: Economie Publique/Public Economics, 2012, 22-23 (1-2), 203-218)
March 2010 Abstract
4831 Pieter Serneels, Jose G. Montalvo, Gunilla Pettersson, Tomas Lievens, Jean Damascene Butera, Aklilu Kidanu Who Wants to Work in a Rural Health Post? The Role of Intrinsic Motivation, Rural Background and Faith-Based Institutions in Rwanda and Ethiopia
(published in: Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2010, 88, 342-349)
March 2010 Abstract
4830 David W. Johnston, Carol Propper, Stephen Pudney, Michael A. Shields Is There an Income Gradient in Child Health? It Depends Whom You Ask
(published in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A), 2014, 177, 807-827.)
March 2010 Abstract
4829 Luca Flabbi, Andrea Moro The Effect of Job Flexibility on Female Labor Market Outcomes: Estimates from a Search and Bargaining Model
(published in: Journal of Econometrics, 2012, 168 (1), 81–95)
March 2010 Abstract
4828 Daniel Baumgarten, Ingo Geishecker, Holger Görg Offshoring, Tasks, and the Skill-Wage Pattern
(published in: European Economic Review, 2013, 61 (1), 132-152)
March 2010 Abstract
4827 Adrian Beck, Rudolf Kerschbamer, Jianying Qiu, Matthias Sutter Guilt from Promise-Breaking and Trust in Markets for Expert Services: Theory and Experiment
(significantly revised version published as 'Shaping Beliefs in Experimental Markets for Expert Services: Guilt Aversion and the Impact of Promises and Money-Burning Options' in: Games and Economic Behavior, 2013, 81, 145-164)
March 2010 Abstract
4826 Rolf Aaberge, Manudeep Bhuller, Audun Langørgen, Magne Mogstad The Distributional Impact of Public Services When Needs Differ
(published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2010, 94 (9-10), 549-562)
March 2010 Abstract
4825 Andreas Peichl, Nico Pestel Multidimensional Measurement of Richness: Theory and an Application to Germany
(substantially revised version available as: IZA DP 5926)
March 2010 Abstract
4824 Miles Corak, Darren Lauzon Differences in the Distribution of High School Achievement: The Role of Class Size and Time-in-Term
(abridged version published in: Economics of Education Review, 2009, 28 (2), 189-198)
March 2010 Abstract
4823 Jörgen Hansen, Roger Wahlberg, Sharif Faisal Wages and Immigrant Occupational Composition in Sweden March 2010 Abstract
4822 Iris BenDavid-Hadar, Adrian Ziderman A New Model for Equitable and Efficient Resource Allocation to Schools: The Israeli Case
(published in: Education Economics, 2011, 19 (3), 341-362)
March 2010 Abstract
4821 Filipe Almeida-Santos, Yekaterina Chzhen, Karen A. Mumford Employee Training and Wage Dispersion: White and Blue Collar Workers in Britain
(published in: Research In Labor Economics, 2010, 30, 35-60)
March 2010 Abstract
4820 Axel Dreher, Stephan Klasen, James Raymond Vreeland, Eric Werker The Costs of Favoritism: Is Politically-Driven Aid Less Effective?
(published in: Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2013, 62 (1), 157-191)
March 2010 Abstract
4819 Miles Corak, Patrizio Piraino The Intergenerational Transmission of Employers
(slightly revised version published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 2011, 29 (1), 37-68)
March 2010 Abstract
4818 Indraneel Dasgupta, Prasanta K. Pattanaik Comparative Statics for a Consumer with Possibly Multiple Optimum Consumption Bundles March 2010 Abstract
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