IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5338 Meritxell Solé, Luis Diaz-Serrano, Marisol Rodriguez Martinez Work, Risk and Health: Differences between Immigrants and Natives in Spain
(published as 'Disparities in Work, Risk, and Health between Immigrants and Native-Born' in: Social Science and Medicine, 179-187)
November 2010 Abstract
5337 Bart Cockx, Muriel Dejemeppe The Threat of Monitoring Job Search: A Discontinuity Design
(revised version published in :Labour Economics, 2012, 19 (5), 729-737 [journal version])
November 2010 Abstract
5336 Mariana Blanco, Florencia López Bóo ICT Skills and Employment: A Randomized Experiment
(published in: Chong Alberto(ed.), Measuring the Impact of Information Technologies in Latin America, World Bank, 2016)
November 2010 Abstract
5335 Marco Leonardi, Giovanni Pica Who Pays for It? The Heterogeneous Wage Effects of Employment Protection Legislation
(published in: Economic Journal, 2013, 123, 1236-1278. )
November 2010 Abstract
5334 Nauro F. Campos, Ralitza Dimova, Ahmad Saleh Whither Corruption? A Quantitative Survey of the Literature on Corruption and Growth
(published as 'Corruption and Economic Growth: An Econometric Survey of the Evidence' in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2016, 172 (3), 521-543)
November 2010 Abstract
5333 Elke J. Jahn, Jan Bentzen What Drives the Demand for Temporary Agency Workers?
(published in: LABOUR, 2012, 26 (3), 341-355)
November 2010 Abstract
5332 Jens Großer, Ernesto Reuben, Agnieszka Tymula Tacit Lobbying Agreements: An Experimental Study
(published in: American Journal of Political Science, 2013, 57 (3), 582-597)
November 2010 Abstract
5331 Marcos Chamon, Kai Liu, Eswar Prasad Income Uncertainty and Household Savings in China
(published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2013, 105, 164-177)
November 2010 Abstract
5330 Tom McKenzie, Dirk Sliwka Universities as Stakeholders in their Students' Careers: On the Benefits of Graduate Taxes to Finance Higher Education
(published in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2011, 167 (4), 726-742)
November 2010 Abstract
5329 Graziella Bertocchi, Arcangelo Dimico Slavery, Education, and Inequality
(revised version published in: European Economic Review, 2014, 70, 197-209)
November 2010 Abstract
5328 Fernando A. Lozano, Michael D. Steinberger Empirical Methods in the Economics of International Immigration
(published in: Carlos Vargas-Silva et al. (eds.) Handbook on Research Methods on Migration, Edward Elgar, 2012)
November 2010 Abstract
5327 Pedro Maia Gomes Labour Market Flows: Facts from the United Kingdom
(published in: Labour Economics, 2012, 19 (2), 165-175.)
November 2010 Abstract
5326 Richard Akresh, Emilie Bagby, Damien de Walque, Harounan Kazianga Child Ability and Household Human Capital Investment Decisions in Burkina Faso
(published in: Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2012, 61 (1), 157-186)
November 2010 Abstract
5325 Wendelin Schnedler Hidden Action, Identification, and Organization Design
(improved version is available here)
November 2010 Abstract
5324 Tsunao Okumura, Emiko Usui Do Parents' Social Skills Influence Their Children's Sociability?
(published in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2014, 14 (3), 1081-1116)
November 2010 Abstract
5323 Julien Prat, Boyan Jovanovic Dynamic Incentive Contracts under Parameter Uncertainty
(revised version published as 'Dynamic Contracts When the Agent's Quality is Unknown' in: Theoretical Economics, 2014, 9 (3), 865-914)
November 2010 Abstract
5322 António Afonso, Pedro Maia Gomes Interactions between Private and Public Sector Wages
(published in: Journal of Macroeconomics, 2014, 39, 97-112.)
November 2010 Abstract
5321 Pedro Maia Gomes Fiscal Policy and the Labour Market: The Effects of Public Sector Employment and Wages
(published as 'Optimal public sector wages' in: Economic Journal, 2015, 125 (587), 1425-1451.)
November 2010 Abstract
5320 Werner Eichhorst, Veronica Escudero, Paul Marx, Steven Tobin The Impact of the Crisis on Employment and the Role of Labour Market Institutions
(also available as: International Institute for Labour Studies Discussion Paper 202. Geneva.)
November 2010 Abstract
5319 Andreas Kuhn The Public Perception and Normative Valuation of Executive Compensation: An International Comparison
(revised version, using updated and expanded data, published as `International Evidence on the Perception and Normative Valuation of Executive Compensation' in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2017, 55(1), 112-136)
November 2010 Abstract
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