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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4100 Werner Eichhorst, Paul Marx Reforming German Labor Market Institutions: A Dual Path to Flexibility
(revised version published in: Journal of European Social Policy, 2011, 21(1), 73-87)
March 2009 Abstract
4099 Maarten Lindeboom, Petter Lundborg, Bas van der Klaauw Obesity and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the British NCDS
(published as 'Assessing the Impact of Obesity on Labor Market Outcome' in: Economics and Human Biology, 2010, 8 (3), 309-319)
March 2009 Abstract
4098 Nabanita Datta Gupta, Jane Greve Overweight and Obesity and the Demand for Primary Physician Care
(published as 'Overweight and obesity and the utilization of primary care physicians' in: Health Economics, 2011, 20 (S1), 53 - 67)
March 2009 Abstract
4097 James Albrecht, Lucas Navarro, Susan Vroman Efficiency in a Search and Matching Model with Endogenous Participation
(published in: Economics Letters, 2010, 106 (1), 48-50)
March 2009 Abstract
4096 Tapio K. Palokangas Integration, Labor Market Regulation, Lobbying, and Technological Change March 2009 Abstract
4095 Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Chris Ryan, Anastasia Sartbayeva Taking Chances: The Effect of Growing Up on Welfare on the Risky Behavior of Young People
(published in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2012, 114 (3), 729–755)
March 2009 Abstract
4094 Maarten van Ham, David Manley The Effect of Neighbourhood Housing Tenure Mix on Labour Market Outcomes: A Longitudinal Perspective
(published as 'The effect of neighbourhood housing tenure mix on labour market outcomes: a longitudinal investigation of neighbourhood effects' in: Journal of Economic Geography, 2010, 10 (2), 257 - 282 [journal version])
March 2009 Abstract
4093 Emilio Congregado, Antonio A. Golpe, Simon C. Parker The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship: Hysteresis, Business Cycles and Government Policy March 2009 Abstract
4092 William E. Becker, David K. Round 'The' Market for Higher Education: Does It Really Exist? March 2009 Abstract
4091 Tapio K. Palokangas Economic Growth with Political Lobbying and Wage Bargaining
(revised version published in: IFAC Papers on Control Applications of Optimization 7 (2010))
March 2009 Abstract
4090 Martin Huber, Michael Lechner, Conny Wunsch, Thomas Walter Do German Welfare-to-Work Programmes Reduce Welfare and Increase Work?
(published as 'Do German Welfare-to-Work Programmes Reduce Welfare Dependency and Increase Employment?' in: German Economic Review, 2011, 12 (2), 182-204)
March 2009 Abstract
4089 Stephen Gibbons, Olmo Silva Faith Primary Schools: Better Schools or Better Pupils?
(published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 2011, 29 (3) , 589-635)
March 2009 Abstract
4088 William E. Even, David A. Macpherson The Growth of Participant Direction in Defined Contribution Plans
(published in: Industrial Relations, 2010, 49(2), 190–208)
March 2009 Abstract
4087 Michael Naef, Jürgen Schupp Measuring Trust: Experiments and Surveys in Contrast and Combination March 2009 Abstract
4086 Glenn C. Blomquist, Paul A. Coomes, Christopher Jepsen, Brandon C. Koford, Kenneth Troske Estimating the Social Value of Higher Education: Willingness to Pay for Community and Technical Colleges
(revision published in: Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2014, 5 (1), 3-42)
March 2009 Abstract
4085 Anton Hemerijck, Werner Eichhorst Whatever Happened to the Bismarckian Welfare State? From Labor Shedding to Employment-Friendly Reforms
(published in: Bruno Palier (ed.), A long good-bye to Bismarck, Amsterdam: AUP, 2010, 301-332)
March 2009 Abstract
4084 Brian E. Roe, Steven Y. Wu Do the Selfish Mimic Cooperators? Experimental Evidence from Finitely-Repeated Labor Markets March 2009 Abstract
4083 Ralitza Dimova, François-Charles Wolff Remittances and Chain Migration: Longitudinal Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina March 2009 Abstract
4082 William E. Even, David A. Macpherson Is Bigger Still Better? The Decline of the Wage Premium at Large Firms
(published in: Southern Economic Journal, 2012, 78(4), 1181-1201)
March 2009 Abstract
4081 Denis Conniffe, Donal O'Neill Efficient Probit Estimation with Partially Missing Covariates
(published in: D. Drukker (ed.): Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 27A, Missing Data Methods, 2011, 213-249.)
March 2009 Abstract
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