IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4160 Matteo Cervellati, Uwe Sunde Life Expectancy and Economic Growth: The Role of the Demographic Transition
(revised version published in: Journal of Economic Growth, 2011, 16 (2), 99-133)
May 2009 Abstract
4159 Todd E. Elder, John H. Goddeeris, Steven J. Haider Unexplained Gaps and Oaxaca-Blinder Decompositions
(published in: Labour Economics, 2010, 17 (1), 284-290)
April 2009 Abstract
4158 Federico Cingano, Marco Leonardi, Julián Messina, Giovanni Pica The Effect of Employment Protection Legislation and Financial Market Imperfections on Investment: Evidence from a Firm-Level Panel of EU Countries
(substantially revised version published in: Economic Policy, 2010, 25 (61). 117 - 163)
April 2009 Abstract
4157 Esteban Sanromá, Raul Ramos, Hipólito Simón Immigrant Wages in the Spanish Labour Market: Does the Origin of Human Capital Matter?
(published in: Journal of Applied Economics, 2015, 18 (1), 149-172)
April 2009 Abstract
4156 Christopher Kilby, Axel Dreher The Impact of Aid on Growth Revisited: Do Donor Motives Matter?
(published in: Economics Letters, 2010, 107 (3), 338-340)
April 2009 Abstract
4155 Christoph Wunder, Andrea Wiencierz, Johannes Schwarze, Helmut Küchenhoff, Sara Kleyer, Philipp Bleninger Well-Being over the Life Span: Semiparametric Evidence from British and German Longitudinal Data April 2009 Abstract
4154 Peter Haan, Michal Myck Dynamics of Poor Health and Non-Employment
(revised version published as 'Dynamics of Health and Labour Market Risks' in: Journal of Health Economics, 2009, 28 (6), 1116-1125)
April 2009 Abstract
4153 Gil S. Epstein, Ira N. Gang Why Pay Taxes When No One Else Does?
(published in: Review of Development Economics, 2010, 14 (2), 374-385)
April 2009 Abstract
4152 Thomas C. Buchmueller, John DiNardo, Robert G. Valletta The Effect of an Employer Health Insurance Mandate on Health Insurance Coverage and the Demand for Labor: Evidence from Hawaii
(published in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2011, 3 (4), 25-51)
April 2009 Abstract
4151 Denisa Maria Sologon, Cathal O'Donoghue Policy, Institutional Factors and Earnings Mobility
(published in: The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 2011, 8(2), pp. 175-202)
April 2009 Abstract
4150 Alberto Alesina, Paola Giuliano Family Ties and Political Participation
(published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2011, 9 (5), 817-839)
April 2009 Abstract
4149 Paul Frijters, Juan D. Barón Do the Obese Really Die Younger or Do Health Expenditures Buy Them Extra Years? April 2009 Abstract
4148 Margaret Maurer-Fazio, James W. Hughes, Dandan Zhang A Comparison and Decomposition of Reform-Era Labor Force Participation Rates of China's Ethnic Minorities and Han Majority
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2010, 31 (2), 138-162)
April 2009 Abstract
4147 Martin Salm Does Job Loss Cause Ill Health?
(revised version published in: Health Economics, 2009, 18(9), 1075-1089)
April 2009 Abstract
4146 Molly Dahl, Thomas DeLeire, Jonathan Schwabish Stepping Stone or Dead End? The Effect of the EITC on Earnings Growth April 2009 Abstract
4145 Alessio J. G. Brown, Christian Merkl, Dennis J. Snower An Incentive Theory of Matching
(published in: Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2015, 19 (3), 643-668)
April 2009 Abstract
4144 Panu Poutvaara, Martin D. Munk, Martin Junge Self-Selection and Earnings of Emigrants from a Welfare State April 2009 Abstract
4143 Shuaizhang Feng Return to Training and Establishment Size: A Reexamination of the Size-Wage Puzzle April 2009 Abstract
4142 Alexander M. Danzer, Barbara Dietz Temporary Labour Migration and Welfare at the New European Fringe: A Comparison of Five Eastern European Countries
(substantially revised version published as 'Labour Migration from Eastern Europe and the EU’s Quest for Talents' in: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2014, 52 (2), 183-199)
April 2009 Abstract
4141 Devashish Mitra, Priya Ranjan Search and Offshoring in the Presence of "Animal Spirits" April 2009 Abstract
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