IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4857 Björn Anders Gustafsson, Birgitta Jansson If Seebohm Rowntree Had Studied Sweden: How Poverty Changed in the City of Göteborg from 1925 to 2003
(published in: Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2010, 58 (3), 239-260)
March 2010 Abstract
4856 David B. Mustard How Do Labor Markets Affect Crime? New Evidence on an Old Puzzle
(published in: Handbook on the Economics of Crime, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010)
March 2010 Abstract
4855 Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Ruben R. Seiberlich A Socio-economic Analysis of Youth Disconnectedness
(published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch - Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 2011, 131 (2), 253-262)
March 2010 Abstract
4854 Robert J. Oxoby, William G. Morrison Loss Aversion and Intertemporal Choice: A Laboratory Investigation
(published as 'The endowment effect and intertemporal choice: a laboratory investigation' in: Canadian Journal of Economics, 2013, 46 (2), 689 - 704)
March 2010 Abstract
4853 John R. Bowblis, Myeong-Su Yun Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of Drug Therapy
(published in: Social Science Research, 2010, 39 (4), 674-684)
March 2010 Abstract
4852 Matthias Kräkel Shutdown Contests in Multi-Plant Firms and Governmental Intervention March 2010 Abstract
4851 Badi H. Baltagi, Francesco Moscone Health Care Expenditure and Income in the OECD Reconsidered: Evidence from Panel Data
(published in: Economic Modelling, 2010, 27 (4), 804-811)
March 2010 Abstract
4850 Alois Stutzer, Bruno S. Frey Recent Advances in the Economics of Individual Subjective Well-Being
(published in: Social Research, 2010, 77 (2), 679-714)
March 2010 Abstract
4849 Ester Faia, Wolfgang Lechthaler, Christian Merkl Fiscal Multipliers and the Labour Market in the Open Economy
(revised version published as 'Fiscal Stimulus and the Labor Market Policies in Europe' in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2013, 37 (3), 483–499)
March 2010 Abstract
4848 Nina Smith, Valdemar Smith, Mette Verner The Gender Pay Gap in Top Corporate Jobs in Denmark: Glass Ceilings, Sticky Floors or Both?
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2011, 32 (2), 156-177)
March 2010 Abstract
4847 Nattavudh Powdthavee Does Education Reduce the Risk of Hypertension? Estimating the Biomarker Effect of Compulsory Schooling in England
(published in: Journal of Human Capital, 2010, 4 (2), 173-202)
March 2010 Abstract
4846 Martin G. Kocher, Marc V. Lenz, Matthias Sutter Psychological Pressure in Competitive Environments: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment: Comment
(substantially extended version published as: 'Psychological Pressure in Competitive Environments: New Evidence from Randomized Natural Experiments' in: Management Science, 2012, 58 (8), 1585-1591)
March 2010 Abstract
4845 Charlene M. Kalenkoski, Gigi Foster The Multitasking of Household Production
(published in: C. Kalenkoski and G. Foster (eds): The Economics of Multitasking, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015)
March 2010 Abstract
4844 Aysit Tansel, H. Mehmet Tasci Hazard Analysis of Unemployment Duration by Gender in a Developing Country: The Case of Turkey
(published in: Labour, 2010, 24 (4), 501-530)
March 2010 Abstract
4843 Martin Halla The Link between the Intrinsic Motivation to Comply and Compliance Behavior: A Critical Appraisal of Existing Evidence
(published in: Friedrich Schneider (ed.), The Handbook on the Shadow Economy, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, 375-408)
March 2010 Abstract
4842 Dirk Antonczyk, Thomas DeLeire, Bernd Fitzenberger Polarization and Rising Wage Inequality: Comparing the U.S. and Germany
(published in: Econometrics, 2018, 6 (2), 1-33)
March 2010 Abstract
4841 Sergio Firpo Identification and Estimation of Distributional Impacts of Interventions Using Changes in Inequality Measures
(published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016, 31(3), 457-486)
March 2010 Abstract
4840 Stephen V. Burks, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Lorenz Götte, Aldo Rustichini Overconfidence is a Social Signaling Bias
(revised version published as 'Overconfidence and Social Signalling' in: Review of Economic Studies, 2013, 80 (3), 949-983)
March 2010 Abstract
4839 Alberto Bayo-Moriones, Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez, Sara Martinez-de-Morentin The Diffusion of Pay for Performance across Occupations
(published in: Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 2013, 66 (5), 1115-1148)
March 2010 Abstract
4838 Arnaud Dupuy An Economic Model of the Evolution of the Gender Performance Ratio in Individual Sports
(published in: International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2012, 12 (1), 222-245)
March 2010 Abstract
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