IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5398 Amelie F. Constant, Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann An Expert Stakeholder's View on European Integration Challenges
(published in: M. Kahanec and K. F. Zimmermann (eds.), Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, 31-54)
December 2010 Abstract
5397 Martin Kahanec, Anzelika Zaiceva, Klaus F. Zimmermann Ethnic Minorities in the European Union: An Overview
(published in: M. Kahanec and K. F. Zimmermann (eds.), Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, 1-30)
December 2010 Abstract
5396 Amelie F. Constant, Annabelle Krause-Pilatus, Ulf Rinne, Klaus F. Zimmermann Reservation Wages of First and Second Generation Migrants
(revised version published in: Applied Economics Letters, 2017, 24 (13), 945-949 )
December 2010 Abstract
5395 Simone Bertoli, Herbert Brücker Selective Immigration Policies, Migrants' Education and Welfare at Origin
(published in: Economics Letters, 2011, 113 (1), 19-22)
December 2010 Abstract
5394 Bohdan Kukharskyy, Michael P. Pflüger Relational Contracts and the Economic Well-Being of Nations December 2010 Abstract
5393 Anh T. Le, Paul W. Miller, Wendy S. Slutske, Nicholas G. Martin Attitudes towards Economic Risk and the Gender Pay Gap
(published in: Labour Economics, 2011, 18 (4), 555-561)
December 2010 Abstract
5392 Pierre-André Chiappori, Sonia Oreffice, Climent Quintana-Domeque Matching with a Handicap: The Case of Smoking in the Marriage Market
(revised version published as 'Bidimensional Matching with Heterogeneous Preferences: Education and Smoking in the Marriage Market' in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2018, 16(1), 161-198.)
December 2010 Abstract
5391 Bertrand Candelon, Arnaud Dupuy Hierarchical Organization and Inequality in an Economy with an Implicit Market for Productive Time
(revised version published as 'Hierarchical Organization and Performance Inequality: Evidence from Professional Cycling' in: International Economic Review, 2015, 56 (4), 1207-1236)
December 2010 Abstract
5390 Andrew J. Oswald Emotional Prosperity and the Stiglitz Commission
(published in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2010, 48 (4), 651-669)
December 2010 Abstract
5389 Jon E. Anderson, Stephen V. Burks, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Lorenz Götte, Karsten Maurer, Daniele Nosenzo, Ruth Potter, Kim Rocha, Aldo Rustichini Self Selection Does Not Increase Other-Regarding Preferences among Adult Laboratory Subjects, but Student Subjects May Be More Self-Regarding than Adults
(revised version published as 'Self-Selection and Variations in the Laboratory Measurement of Other-Regarding Preferences Across Subject Pools: Evidence From One College Student and Two Adult Samples' in: Experimental Economics, 2013, 16 (2), 170-189)
December 2010 Abstract
5388 Erwin Ooghe, Andreas Peichl Fair and Efficient Taxation under Partial Control: Theory and Evidence
(revised version published as 'Fair and Efficient Taxation under Partial Control' in: Economic Journal, 2015, 125 (589), 2024 - 2051)
December 2010 Abstract
5387 Michael P. Pflüger, Stephan Russek Trade and Industrial Policies with Heterogeneous Firms: The Role of Country Asymmetries
(published in revised form in: Review of International Economics, 2014, 22 (1), 170-188)
December 2010 Abstract
5386 Lex Borghans, Bart H.H. Golsteyn Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the U.S.
(published as 'Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the United States' in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012, 50 (3), 436-456)
December 2010 Abstract
5385 Michael P. Pflüger, Uwe Blien, Joachim Möller, Michael Moritz Labor Market Effects of Trade and FDI: Recent Advances and Research Gaps
(published in revised form in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 2013, 233 (1), 86-116)
December 2010 Abstract
5384 Bernard Fortin, Guy Lacroix, Dominique Pinard Evaluation of the Underground Economy in Quebec: A Microeconomic Approach
(published in: International Economic Journal, 2010, 24 (4), 463-479)
December 2010 Abstract
5383 Björn Anders Gustafsson, Shi Li, Ludmila Nivorozhkina Why Are Household Incomes More Unequally Distributed in China than in Russia?
(published in: Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2011, 35 (5), 897-920)
December 2010 Abstract
5382 Alain de Janvry, Frederico S. Finan, Elisabeth Sadoulet Local Electoral Incentives and Decentralized Program Performance
(published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012, 94 (3), 672 - 685 )
December 2010 Abstract
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.
Sonia R. Bhalotra, Tom Cochrane Where Have All the Young Girls Gone? Identification of Sex Selection in India December 2010 Abstract
5380 Amelie F. Constant, Annabelle Krause-Pilatus, Ulf Rinne, Klaus F. Zimmermann Economic Preferences and Attitudes of the Unemployed: Are Natives and Second Generation Migrants Alike?
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2011, 32 (7), 825-851 [final version] [journal version])
December 2010 Abstract
5379 Marco Caliendo, Arne Uhlendorff Determinanten des Suchverhaltens von Arbeitslosen: Ausgewählte Erkenntnisse basierend auf dem IZA Evaluationsdatensatz
(published in: Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung / Journal for Labour Market Research, 2011, 44 (1-2), 119-125)
December 2010 Abstract
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