IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5018 Francis Green, Stephen Machin, Richard J. Murphy, Yu Zhu The Changing Economic Advantage from Private School
(published in: Economica, 2012, 79 (316), 658–679)
June 2010 Abstract
5017 Alastair R. Beresford, Dorothea Kübler, Sören Preibusch Unwillingness to Pay for Privacy: A Field Experiment June 2010 Abstract
5016 Matthias Sutter, Francesco Feri, Martin G. Kocher, Peter Martinsson, Katarina Nordblom, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler Social Preferences in Childhood and Adolescence: A Large-Scale Experiment
(published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2018, 146, 16-30.)
June 2010 Abstract
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.
Matthias Sutter, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler Gender Differences in Competition Emerge Early in Life
(largely extended version published in: Management Science, 2015, 61 (10), 2339-2354)
June 2010 Abstract
5014 Denisa Maria Sologon, Cathal O'Donoghue Earnings Dynamics and Inequality among Men in Luxembourg, 1988-2004: Evidence from Administrative Data June 2010 Abstract
5013 Anna Batyra, Henri R. Sneessens Selective Reductions in Labor Taxation: Labor Market Adjustments and Macroeconomic Performance
(published in: Journal of Policy Modeling, 2010, 32 (4), 531–543)
June 2010 Abstract
5012 Roberto Bande, Marika Karanassou Spanish Regional Unemployment Revisited: The Role of Capital Accumulation
(published in: Regional Studies, 2014, 48 (11), 1863 - 1883)
June 2010 Abstract
5011 Marco Leonardi The Effect of Product Demand on Inequality: Evidence from the US and the UK
(published: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2015, 7, 221-147.)
June 2010 Abstract
5010 Daniel S. Hamermesh, Stephen Trejo How Do Immigrants Spend Their Time? The Process of Assimilation
(published in: Journal of Population Economics, 2013, 26 (2), 507-530)
June 2010 Abstract
5009 Panu Poutvaara, Olli Ropponen School Shootings and Student Performance
(published in: European Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 51, 93-106)
June 2010 Abstract
5008 Dennis T. Yang, Vivian Chen, Ryan Monarch Rising Wages: Has China Lost Its Global Labor Advantage?
(published in: Pacific Economic Review, 2010, 15 (4), 482-504)
June 2010 Abstract
5007 Volker Grossmann, Thomas M. Steger, Timo Trimborn Quantifying Optimal Growth Policy
(published in: Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2016, 18 (3), 451-485)
June 2010 Abstract
5006 Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti A Salience Theory of Choice Errors June 2010 Abstract
5005 Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti Moody Choice
(revised version published as 'State Dependent Choice' in: Social Choice and Welfare, 2015, 45 (2), 239-268)
June 2010 Abstract
5004 Patrick Hullegie, Tobias J. Klein The Effect of Private Health Insurance on Medical Care Utilization and Self-Assessed Health in Germany
(published in: Health Economics, 2010, 19 (9), 1048-1062)
June 2010 Abstract
5003 Chunbing Xing Residual Wage Inequality in Urban China, 1995-2007
(published in: China Economic Review, 2012, 23 (2), 205-222)
June 2010 Abstract
5002 Anders Björklund, Kjell G. Salvanes Education and Family Background: Mechanisms and Policies
(revised version published in: E.A. Hanushek, S. Machin, and L. Woessmann (eds.), Handbook in Economics of Education, Vol. 3, North Holland: 2010, pp. 201-247)
June 2010 Abstract
5001 Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, David B. Huffman Implicit Contracts, Unemployment, and Labor Market Segmentation
(substantially revised version published in: Review of Economic Studies, 2014, 81 (1), 30-56)
June 2010 Abstract
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.
Stephen Machin, Olivier Marie, Suncica Vujic The Crime Reducing Effect of Education
(published in: Economic Journal, 2011, 121 (552), 463-484)
June 2010 Abstract
4999 Johannes Metzler, Ludger Woessmann The Impact of Teacher Subject Knowledge on Student Achievement: Evidence from Within-Teacher Within-Student Variation
(published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2012, 99 (2), 486 - 496)
June 2010 Abstract
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