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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5038 Arthur van Soest, Elena G. F. Stancanelli Does Income Taxation Affect Partners' Household Chores?
(revised version published as 'Income taxation, labour supply and housework: A discrete choice model for French couples' in: Labour Economics, 2014, 27, 30-43)
June 2010 Abstract
5037 M. Hashem Pesaran Predictability of Asset Returns and the Efficient Market Hypothesis
(published in: Aman Ullah and David E. Giles (eds.), Handbook of Empirical Economics and Finance, Taylor & Francis. 2010)
June 2010 Abstract
5036 Clive Bell, Hans Gersbach, Maik T. Schneider Raising Juveniles
(published in: Games and Economic Behavior, 2012, 74 (1), 32-51)
June 2010 Abstract
5035 Werner Eichhorst, Paul Marx Whatever Works: Dualisation and the Service Economy in Bismarckian Welfare States
(published in: P.Emmenegger et al. (eds.): The Age of Dualization, Oxford: 2012, 73-99)
June 2010 Abstract
5034 Gary Charness, David Masclet, Marie Claire Villeval Competitive Preferences and Status as an Incentive: Experimental Evidence
(revised version published as 'The dark side of competition for status' in: Management Science, 2014, 60 (1), 38–55)
June 2010 Abstract
5033 Henry S Farber Rational Choice and Voter Turnout: Evidence from Union Representation Elections June 2010 Abstract
5032 Sara de la Rica, Juan J. Dolado, Raquel Vegas Performance Pay and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Spain
(revised version published as 'Gender Gaps in Performance Pay: New Evidence from Spain' in: Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 117-118, 41-59)
June 2010 Abstract
5031 Kalena E. Cortes, Jesse Bricker, Chris Rohlfs The Role of Specific Subjects in Education Production Functions: Evidence from Morning Classes in Chicago Public High Schools
(published in: B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Contributions), 2012, 12(1): 1935-1682)
June 2010 Abstract
5030 John T. Addison, Alex Bryson, Paulino Teixeira, André Pahnke, Lutz Bellmann The State of Collective Bargaining and Worker Representation in Germany: The Erosion Continues June 2010 Abstract
5029 Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Christophe Rault, Robert Sova, Anamaria Sova Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness: Evidence from Romania
(published in: Ecological Economics, 2012, 81, 130-139)
June 2010 Abstract
5028 Jose C. Galdo The Long-Run Labor-Market Consequences of Civil War: Evidence from the Shining Path in Peru
(published in: Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2013, 61 (4), 789-823)
June 2010 Abstract
5027 Florian Englmaier, Gerd Muehlheusser, Andreas Roider Optimal Incentive Contracts under Moral Hazard When the Agent Is Free to Leave
(revised version published as 'Optimal Incentive Contracts for Knowledge Workers' in: European Economic Review, 2014, 67, 82-106)
June 2010 Abstract
5026 Kalena E. Cortes, Andrew I. Friedson Ranking Up by Moving Out: The Effect of the Texas Top 10% Plan on Property Values
(published in: National Tax Journal, 2014, 67 (1), 51-76)
June 2010 Abstract
5025 Daniele Checchi, Vito Peragine, Laura Serlenga Fair and Unfair Income Inequalities in Europe
(revised version published as “Inequality of Opportunity in Europe: is there a role for institutions ?” in Inequality: Causes and Consequences - Research in Labor Economics, Volume 43/2015, pp.1-44)
June 2010 Abstract
5024 Oliver Falck, Ludger Woessmann School Competition and Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: International Evidence Using Historical Catholic Roots of Private Schooling
(published in: Small Business Economics, 2013, 40 (2), 459-478)
June 2010 Abstract
5023 Leif Danziger Uniform and Nonuniform Staggering of Wage Contracts
(published in: Labour Economics, 2010, 17 (6), 1038-1049)
June 2010 Abstract
5022 David Gill, Victoria L. Prowse Gender Differences and Dynamics in Competition: The Role of Luck
(published in: Quantitative Economics, 2014, 5 (2), 351-376)
June 2010 Abstract
5021 Kalena E. Cortes Do Bans on Affirmative Action Hurt Minority Students? Evidence from the Texas Top 10% Plan
(published in: Economics of Education Review, 2010, 29(6): 1110-1124)
June 2010 Abstract
5020 Johannes Berger, Christine Harbring, Dirk Sliwka Performance Appraisals and the Impact of Forced Distribution: An Experimental Investigation
(published in: Management Science, 2013, 59 (1), 54-68)
June 2010 Abstract
5019 Nattavudh Powdthavee, Kampon Adireksombat From Classroom to Wedding Aisle: The Effect of a Nationwide Change in the Compulsory Schooling Law on Age at First Marriage in the UK June 2010 Abstract
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