IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5058 James B. Rebitzer, Lowell J. Taylor Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Motives: Standard and Behavioral Approaches to Agency and Labor Markets
(published in: O. Ashenfelter and D. Card (eds.), Handbook of Labor Economics, Vol. 4A, Chapter 8, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011)
July 2010 Abstract
5057 Shuaizhang Feng, Yingyao Hu Misclassification Errors and the Underestimation of U.S. Unemployment Rates
(published in: American Economic Review, 2013, 103 (2), 1054-70)
July 2010 Abstract
5056 Odelia Heizler (Cohen), Ayal Kimhi Who Will Be Idol? The Importance of Social Networks for Winning on Reality Shows
(published in: Journal of Socio-Economics, 2012, 41 (1), 18-25)
July 2010 Abstract
5055 Bas van der Klaauw, Jan C. van Ours Carrot and Stick: How Reemployment Bonuses and Benefit Sanctions Affect Job Finding Rates
(published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2013, 28 (2), 275–296)
July 2010 Abstract
5054 Lisa B. Kahn, Fabian Lange Employer Learning, Productivity and the Earnings Distribution: Evidence from Performance Measures
(Published in Review of Economic Studies, 2014, 81 (4), 1575-1613. [revised version])
July 2010 Abstract
5053 Saul Estrin, Tomasz Mickiewicz Shadow Economy and Entrepreneurial Entry
(published in: Review of Development Economics, 2012, 16 (4), 559-578)
July 2010 Abstract
5052 Ruta Aidis, Saul Estrin, Tomasz Mickiewicz Size Matters: Entrepreneurial Entry and Government
(published in: Small Business Economics, 2012, 39 (1), 119-139)
July 2010 Abstract
5051 Gil S. Epstein, Yosef Mealem Interactions between Local and Migrant Workers at the Workplace
(published in: Gil S. Epstein and Ira N. Gang (eds.), Migration and Culture, Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 8, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, 2010, 193-203)
July 2010 Abstract
5050 Flavio Cunha, James J. Heckman Investing in Our Young People
(published in: Arthur Reynolds, Arthur Rolnick, Michelle M. Englund, and Judy A. Temple (eds.), Cost-Effective Programs in Children's First Decade: A Human Capital Integration, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 381-414)
July 2010 Abstract
5049 Simon Czermak, Francesco Feri, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Matthias Sutter Strategic Sophistication of Adolescents: Evidence from Experimental Normal-Form Games
(published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2016, 128, 265-285.)
July 2010 Abstract
5048 Catia Batista, Aitor Lacuesta, Pedro C. Vicente Testing the 'Brain Gain' Hypothesis: Micro Evidence from Cape Verde
(published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2012, 97 (1), 32-45)
July 2010 Abstract
5047 Glen R. Waddell Adolescent Drug Use and the Deterrent Effect of School-Imposed Penalties
(published in: Economics of Education Review, 2012, 31, 961- 969)
July 2010 Abstract
5046 Gianna Claudia Giannelli, Lucia Mangiavacchi, Luca Piccoli GDP and the Value of Family Caretaking: How Much Does Europe Care?
(published in: Applied Economics, 2012, 44 (16), 2111 - 2131)
July 2010 Abstract
5045 Werner Eichhorst, Michael Feil, Paul Marx Crisis, What Crisis? Patterns of Adaptation in European Labor Markets
(published in: Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement, 2010, 56 (61), 29-64)
July 2010 Abstract
5044 Louis N. Christofides, Alexandros Polycarpou, Konstantinos Vrachimis The Gender Wage Gaps, 'Sticky Floors' and 'Glass Ceilings' of the European Union
(published in: Labour Economics, 2013, 21, 86-102)
July 2010 Abstract
5043 Patrick Emmenegger, Paul Marx Employer Preferences and Social Policy: Business and the Development of Job Security Regulations in Germany since World War I
(revised version published as 'Business and the Development of Job Security Regulations: The Case of Germany' in: Socio-Economic Review, 2011, 9 (4), 729-756)
July 2010 Abstract
5042 Douglas Gollin, Christian Zimmermann Global Climate Change and the Resurgence of Tropical Disease: An Economic Approach
(published in: Mathematical Population Studies, 2012, 19 (1), 51-62)
July 2010 Abstract
5041 Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Christophe Rault, Robert Sova, Anamaria Sova Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditure in Romania: A Multilevel Analysis
(published as 'Improving Environmental Performance: A Challenge for Romania' in: Environmental and Resource Economics, 2014, 57 (3), 431-452)
July 2010 Abstract
5040 Michael Kosfeld, Susanne Neckermann Getting More Work for Nothing? Symbolic Awards and Worker Performance
(published in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2011, 3 (3), 86-99)
June 2010 Abstract
5039 Alessandro Barattieri, Susanto Basu, Peter T. Gottschalk Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Wages
(published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2014, 6 (1), 70-101)
June 2010 Abstract
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