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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5078 Gesine Stephan Wages, Employment and Tenure of Temporarily Subsidized Workers: Does the Industry Matter?
(revised version published as 'Hétérogénéité sectorielle des effets d'un dispositif de subvention salariale sur les salaires et l'emploi en Allemagne' in: Travail et Emploi, 2014, 139, 61-74)
July 2010 Abstract
5077 John T. Addison, José Machado, Pedro Portugal The Reservation Wage Unemployment Duration Nexus
(published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2013, 75 (6), 980-987)
July 2010 Abstract
5076 Thomas J. Kniesner, John D. Leeth Hedonic Wage Equilibrium: Theory, Evidence and Policy
(published in: Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, 2010, 5 (4), 229-299)
July 2010 Abstract
5075 Barry R. Chiswick, Paul W. Miller The Effects of School Quality in the Origin on the Payoff to Schooling for Immigrants
(published in: Gil Epstein and Ira Gang (eds.), Migration and Culture, Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 8, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, 2010, 67-103)
July 2010 Abstract
5074 Pedro T. Pereira Intergenerational Transmission of Education: An Alert to Empirical Implementation July 2010 Abstract
5073 Alejandro Hoyos, Hugo R. Nopo, Ximena Peña The Persistent Gender Earnings Gap in Colombia, 1994-2006
(published in: 'New Century, Old Disparities. Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean', World Bank Publications, 2012)
July 2010 Abstract
5072 Joachim Merz, Henning Stolze Cumulation of Cross-Section Surveys: Evaluation of Alternative Concepts for the Cumulated Continuous Household Budget Surveys (LWR) 1999 until 2003 Compared to the Sample Survey of Income and Expenditures (EVS) 2003 July 2010 Abstract
5071 Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere, Willie Belton Black-White Gap in Self-Employment in the U.S.: Do Cohort and Within Race Differences Exist?
(revised version published in: Small Business Economics, 2013, 41 (1), 25-39)
July 2010 Abstract
5070 Örn B. Bodvarsson, Jack W. Hou The Effects of Aging on Migration in a Transition Economy: The Case of China
(substantially revised version available as IZA DP No. 8351)
July 2010 Abstract
5069 Magali Beffy, Denis Fougère, Arnaud Maurel The Effect of Part-Time Work on Post-Secondary Educational Attainment: New Evidence from French Data July 2010 Abstract
5068 Carmel U. Chiswick How Economics Helped Shape American Judaism
(published in: Aaron Levine (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Judaism and Economics, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 646-662)
July 2010 Abstract
5067 Tilman Brück, Patricia Justino, Philip Verwimp, Alexandra Avdeenko Identifying Conflict and Violence in Micro-Level Surveys
(revised version published in: World Bank Research Observer, 2015, 31 (1), 29-58.)
July 2010 Abstract
5066 Aaron Sojourner Partial Identification of Willingness-to-Pay Using Shape Restrictions with an Application to the Value of a Statistical Life July 2010 Abstract
5065 Oliver Falck, Michael Fritsch, Stephan Heblich The Phantom of the Opera: Cultural Amenities, Human Capital, and Regional Economic Growth
(published in: Labour Economics, 2011, 18 (6), 755-766)
July 2010 Abstract
5064 Raj Arunachalam, Manisha Shah The Prostitute's Allure: Examining Returns to Beauty, Productivity and Discrimination
(published in: B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2012, 12 (1))
July 2010 Abstract
5063 James C. Cox, Wafa Hakim Orman Immigrant Assimilation, Trust and Social Capital July 2010 Abstract
5062 Martin Biewen, Andos Juhasz Understanding Rising Income Inequality in Germany
(revised version published in: Review of Income and Wealth, 2012, 58 (4), 622-647)
July 2010 Abstract
5061 Deniz Gevrek Migration and Loving
(revised version published as 'Interracial Marriage, Migration and Loving' in: Review of Black Political Economy, 2014, 41 (1), 25-60)
July 2010 Abstract
5060 David Emmanuel de Meza, Bernd Irlenbusch, Diane Reyniers Disclosure, Trust and Persuasion in Insurance Markets July 2010 Abstract
5059 Gil S. Epstein, Ira N. Gang A Political Economy of the Immigrant Assimilation: Internal Dynamics
(published in: Gil S. Epstein and Ira N. Gang (eds.), Migration and Culture, Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 8, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, 2010, 325-339)
July 2010 Abstract
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