IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5138 Shoshana Grossbard Independent Individual Decision-Makers in Household Models and the New Home Economics
(published in: J. Alberto Molina (ed.), Household Economic Behaviors, Springer: 2011)
August 2010 Abstract
5137 Rahul Anand, Eswar Prasad Optimal Price Indices for Targeting Inflation under Incomplete Markets August 2010 Abstract
5136 Jacques-François Thisse, Eric Toulemonde The Distribution of Earnings under Monopsonistic/polistic Competition August 2010 Abstract
5135 Randall K. Q. Akee, Emilia Simeonova, William Copeland, Adrian Angold, Jane E. Costello Does More Money Make You Fat? The Effects of Quasi-Experimental Income Transfers on Adolescent and Young Adult Obesity
(published as 'Young Adult Obesity and Household Income: Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers', American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2013, 5 (2), 1-28)
August 2010 Abstract
5134 Anna Myunghee Kim Foreign Labour Migration and the Economic Crisis in the EU: Ongoing and Remaining Issues of the Migrant Workforce in Germany August 2010 Abstract
5133 Kerry L. Papps Productivity under Large Pay Increases: Evidence from Professional Baseball August 2010 Abstract
5132 Mehtabul Azam, Nishith Prakash A Distributional Analysis of the Public-Private Wage Differential in India
(substantially revised version published in: Labour, 2015, 29 (4), 394–414)
August 2010 Abstract
5131 Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau, Etienne Wasmer The Cyclical Volatility of Labor Markets under Frictional Financial Markets
(published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2012, 5 (1), 193-221)
August 2010 Abstract
5130 Tomer Blumkin, Yoram Margalioth, Efraim Sadka The Desirability of Workfare as a Welfare Ordeal – Revisited August 2010 Abstract
5129 Jiong Tu The Impact of Immigration on the Labour Market Outcomes of Native-Born Canadians August 2010 Abstract
5128 Jiong Tu Explaining the Labour Market Outcomes of First, Second and Third Generation Immigrants in Canada August 2010 Abstract
5127 Fredrik Carlsson, Haoran He, Peter Martinsson, Ping Qin, Matthias Sutter Household Decision Making in Rural China: Using Experiments to Estimate the Influences of Spouses
(revised version published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 84 (2), 525-536)
August 2010 Abstract
5126 Heiko Stüber, Thomas Beissinger Does Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity Dampen Wage Increases?
(published in: European Economic Review, 2012, 56 (4), 870-887)
August 2010 Abstract
5125 David McKenzie, Dean Yang Experimental Approaches in Migration Studies
(published in: Carlos Vargas-Silva (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012, 249-269)
August 2010 Abstract
5124 John Gibson, David McKenzie The Economic Consequences of "Brain Drain" of the Best and Brightest: Microeconomic Evidence from Five Countries
(published in: Economic Journal, 2012, 122 (560), 339 - 375)
August 2010 Abstract
5123 Gil S. Epstein, Ira N. Gang Migration and Culture
(published in: Epstein, Gil S. and Gang, Ira N. (eds.): Migration and Culture, Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 8, Emerald: 2010)
August 2010 Abstract
5122 Raquel Fernández Does Culture Matter? August 2010 Abstract
5121 Ana Rute Cardoso, Paulo Guimaraes, José Varejão Are Older Workers Worthy of Their Pay? An Empirical Investigation of Age-Productivity and Age-Wage Nexuses
(published in: De Economist, 2011, 159 (2), 95-111)
August 2010 Abstract
5120 Randall K. Q. Akee, Mutlu Yuksel Skin Tone's Decreasing Importance on Employment: Evidence from a Longitudinal Dataset, 1985-2000
(revised version published as 'The Decreasing Effect of Skin Tone on Women's Full-Time Employment' in: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2012, 65 (2), 398-426)
August 2010 Abstract
5119 Xiaodong Gong, Robert Breunig, Anthony King How Responsive is Female Labour Supply to Child Care Costs: New Australian Estimates
(published as 'Partnered Women's Labour Supply and Child Care Costs in Australia: Measurement Error and the Child-Care Price' in: Economic Record, 2012, 88, 51-69)
August 2010 Abstract
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