IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5098 Sabrina Di Addario, Daniela Vuri Entrepreneurship and Market Size: The Case of Young College Graduates in Italy
(published in: Labour Economics, 2010, 17 (5), 848-858)
July 2010 Abstract
5097 Erkki Koskela Outsourcing Cost and Tax Progression under Nash Wage Bargaining with Flexible Outsourcing July 2010 Abstract
5096 Javier Ordóńez, Hector Sala, José I. Silva Oil Price Shocks and Labor Market Fluctuations
(published in: Energy Journal, 2011, 32 (3), 89-118)
July 2010 Abstract
5095 James J. Heckman, Seong Hyeok Moon, Rodrigo Pinto, Peter A. Savelyev, Adam Yavitz Analyzing Social Experiments as Implemented: A Reexamination of the Evidence from the HighScope Perry Preschool Program
(published in: Quantitative Economics, 2010, 1 (1), 1-46)
July 2010 Abstract
5094 Niall O'Higgins Youth Labour Markets in Europe and Central Asia July 2010 Abstract
5093 Heather Antecol, Deborah A. Cobb-Clark Do Non-Cognitive Skills Help Explain the Occupational Segregation of Young People?
(published in: Labour Economics, 2013, 21, 59-73)
July 2010 Abstract
5092 Marika Karanassou, Hector Sala The Wage-Productivity Gap Revisited: Is the Labour Share Neutral to Employment?
(published as 'The Role of the Wage-Productivity Gap in Economic Activity' in: International Review of Applied Economics, 2014, 28 (4), 436-459)
July 2010 Abstract
5091 Erik Biorn, Simen Gaure, Simen Markussen, Knut Rřed The Rise in Absenteeism: Disentangling the Impacts of Cohort, Age and Time
(published in: Journal of Population Economics, 2013, 26 (4), 1585-1608)
July 2010 Abstract
5090 Franziska Tausch, Jan Potters, Arno Riedl Preferences for Redistribution and Pensions: What Can We Learn from Experiments? July 2010 Abstract
5089 Heather Antecol The Opt-Out Revolution: A Descriptive Analysis
(published in: Research in Labor Economics, 2011, 33, 45-83)
July 2010 Abstract
5088 Laura Hospido Job Changes and Individual-Job Specific Wage Dynamics
(published in: Labour Economics, 2015, 33, 81-93 )
July 2010 Abstract
5087 Günther Schmid Non-Standard Employment and Labour Force Participation: A Comparative View of the Recent Development in Europe July 2010 Abstract
5086 Hugo R. Nopo, Alejandro Hoyos Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to
(published in: 'New Century, Old Disparities. Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean', Latin American Development Forum;. © Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank, 2012 )
July 2010 Abstract
5085 Hugo R. Nopo, Juan Pablo Atal, Natalia Winder New Century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Latin America
(published also as 'New Century, Old Disparities. Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean', Latin American Development Forum;. © Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank, 2012)
July 2010 Abstract
5084 Eva Österbacka, Joachim Merz, Cathleen D. Zick Human Capital Investments in Children: A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Parent-Child Shared Time in Selected Countries July 2010 Abstract
5083 Kostas Mavromaras, Seamus McGuinness, Nigel C. O'Leary, Peter J. Sloane, Zhang Wei Job Mismatches and Labour Market Outcomes: Panel Evidence on Australian University Graduates
(published in: Economic Record, 2013, Vol 89, No 286, 382-395)
July 2010 Abstract
5082 Francesco Pastore Assessing the Impact of Incomes Policy: The Italian Experience
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2010, 31 (7), 793-817)
July 2010 Abstract
5081 Toshie Ikenaga, Daiji Kawaguchi Labor-Market Attachment and Training Participation
(published in: Japanese Economic Review, 2013, 64 (1), 73–97)
July 2010 Abstract
5080 Delia Furtado, Nikolaos Theodoropoulos Why Does Intermarriage Increase Immigrant Employment? The Role of Networks
(published in: B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy, 2010, 10 (1), Article 101)
July 2010 Abstract
5079 Emin Karagozoglu, Arno Riedl Information, Uncertainty, and Subjective Entitlements in Bargaining
(pubished as: 'Performance Information, Production Uncertainty, and Subjective Entitlements in Bargaining' in: Management Science, 2015, 61 (11), 2611 - 2626)
July 2010 Abstract
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