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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
4360 Andreas Kuhn In the Eye of the Beholder: Subjective Inequality Measures and the Demand for Redistribution
(published in: European Journal of Political Economy, 2011, 27(4), 625-641)
August 2009 Abstract
4359 Sher Verick Who Is Hit Hardest during a Financial Crisis? The Vulnerability of Young Men and Women to Unemployment in an Economic Downturn
(published in: Iyanatul Islam and Sher Verick (eds.), From the Great Recession to Labour Market Recovery: Issues, Evidence and Policy Options, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK; ILO/Palgrave Macmillan, 2010)
August 2009 Abstract
4358 Joachim Merz Time Use and Time Budgets: Improvements, Future Challenges and Recommendations August 2009 Abstract
4357 Pierre M. Picard, David Wildasin Labor Market Pooling, Outsourcing and Labor Contracts
(Published in Journal of Urban Economics, 2011, 70 (1), 47-60.)
August 2009 Abstract
4356 Deepti Goel Perceptions and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Australia after 9/11
(published in: Economic Record, 2010, 86(275), 596-608)
August 2009 Abstract
4355 Andreas Kuhn, Rafael Lalive, Josef Zweimüller The Public Health Costs of Job Loss
(published in: Journal of Health Economics, 2009, 28(6), 1099-1115)
August 2009 Abstract
4354 Alpaslan Akay, Peter Martinsson, Haileselassie Medhin Does Positional Concern Matter in Poor Societies? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Rural Ethiopia
(revised version published in: World Development, 2012, 40 (2), 428 - 435)
August 2009 Abstract
4353 Sonia R. Bhalotra, Samantha Rawlings Gradients of the Intergenerational Transmission of Health in Developing Countries
(published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013, 95 (2), 660 - 672 )
August 2009 Abstract
4352 Joachim Wagner One-third Codetermination at Company Supervisory Boards and Firm Performance in German Manufacturing Industries: First Direct Evidence from a New Type of Enterprise Data
(published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften /Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 2011, 131 (1), 91-106)
August 2009 Abstract
4351 Ernst Fehr, Christian Zehnder Reputation and Credit Market Formation: How Relational Incentives and Legal Contract Enforcement Interact August 2009 Abstract
4350 Dimitris Georgarakos, Konstantinos Tatsiramos Immigrant Self-Employment: Does Intermarriage Matter?
(published in: Research in Labor Economics, 2009, 29, 253-271)
August 2009 Abstract
4349 Ruby Henry Does Racism Affect a Migrant's Choice of Destination? August 2009 Abstract
4348 Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Sara de la Rica Complements or Substitutes? Task Specialization by Gender and Nativity in Spain
(published in: Labour Economics, 2011, 18 (5), 697-707)
August 2009 Abstract
4347 Eric D. Gould, Guy Stecklov Terror and the Costs of Crime
(published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2009, 93 (11-12), 1175-1188)
August 2009 Abstract
4346 Pedro S. Martins, Andy Snell, Jonathan P. Thomas Real and Nominal Wage Rigidity in a Model of Equal-Treatment Contracting
(published in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(4), 841-863, 2010)
August 2009 Abstract
4345 Douglas A. Webber, Ronald G. Ehrenberg Do Expenditures Other Than Instructional Expenditures Affect Graduation and Persistence Rates in American Higher Education?
(published in: Economics of Education Review, 2010, 29 (6), 947-958)
August 2009 Abstract
4344 James Costain, Marcel Jansen Employment Fluctuations with Downward Wage Rigidity: The Role of Moral Hazard
(published in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, special issue: "Price and Wage Dynamics", 2010, 112(4), 782-811)
August 2009 Abstract
4343 Karla Hoff, Mayuresh Kshetramade, Ernst Fehr Caste and Punishment: The Legacy of Caste Culture in Norm Enforcement
(published in: Economic Journal, 2011, 121 (556), 449-475)
August 2009 Abstract
4342 Daniel Fernández-Kranz, Núria Rodríguez-Planas The Part-Time Pay Penalty in a Segmented Labor Market
(published in: Labour Economics, 2011, 18 (5), 591-606)
August 2009 Abstract
4341 Murat Iyigun Marriage, Cohabitation and Commitment August 2009 Abstract
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