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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5118 Christian Bredemeier, Falko Juessen Assortative Mating and Female Labor Supply
(published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 2013, 31 (3), 603-631)
August 2010 Abstract
5117 Christian Merkl, Dennis Wesselbaum Extensive vs. Intensive Margin in Germany and the United States: Any Differences?
(published in: Applied Economics Letters, 2011, 18 (9), 805-808)
August 2010 Abstract
5116 Eileen Trzcinski, Elke Holst Gender Differences in Subjective Well-Being in and out of Management Positions
(published in: Social Indicators Research, 2012, 107 (3), 449-463)
August 2010 Abstract
5115 Maarten van Ham, Lee Williamson, Peteke Feijten, Paul Boyle Right to Buy… Time to Move? Investigating the Effect of the Right to Buy on Moving Behaviour in the UK
(published in: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2013, 28 (1), 129-146 [journal version])
August 2010 Abstract
5114 Robert Holzmann Bringing Financial Literacy and Education to Low and Middle Income Countries: The Need to Review, Adjust, and Extend Current Wisdom August 2010 Abstract
5113 Juliane Parys, Gregor Schwerhoff Efficient Intra-Household Allocation of Parental Leave
(published in: Canadian Journal of Economics, 2018, 51 (1), 236 - 27)
August 2010 Abstract
5112 David Powell, Joachim Wagner The Exporter Productivity Premium along the Productivity Distribution: First Evidence from a Quantile Regression Approach for Fixed Effects Panel Data Models
(published in: Review of World Economics, 2014, 150 (4), 763-785)
August 2010 Abstract
5111 Takao Kato, Ju Ho Lee, Jang-Soo Ryu The Productivity Effects of Profit Sharing, Employee Ownership, Stock Option and Team Incentive Plans: Evidence from Korean Panel Data
(published in: Tor Eriksson (ed.), Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms Volume 11, Bingley: Emerald, 2010)
August 2010 Abstract
5110 Simon Fietze, Elke Holst, Verena Tobsch Germany's Next Top Manager: Does Personality Explain the Gender Career Gap?
(published in: management revue - The international Review of Management Studies, 2011, 22 (3), 240-273 )
August 2010 Abstract
5109 Ludwig Ensthaler, Olga Nottmeyer, Georg Weizsäcker Hidden Skewness
(published in: Management Science, 2018, 64 (4), 1693-1706. )
August 2010 Abstract
5108 Martin Kahanec, Mutlu Yuksel Intergenerational Transfer of Human Capital under Post-War Distress: The Displaced and the Roma in the Former Yugoslavia
(published in: Gil Epstein and Ira Gang (eds.), Migration and Culture, Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 8, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, 2010, 415-443)
August 2010 Abstract
5107 Michael Jan Kendzia Herausbildung erster Wesenszüge des Normalarbeitsverhältnisses in Deutschland August 2010 Abstract
5106 Alan I. Barreca, Melanie Guldi, Jason M. Lindo, Glen R. Waddell Running and Jumping Variables in RD Designs: Evidence Based on Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Birth Weights August 2010 Abstract
5105 Boris Maciejovsky, Matthias Sutter, David V. Budescu, Patrick Bernau Teams Make You Smarter: Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Auctions and Markets by Teams and Individuals
(revised version published as 'Teams make you smarter: How exposure to teams improves individual decisions in probability and reasoning tasks' in: Management Science, 2013, 59 (6), 1255-1270)
August 2010 Abstract
5104 Olga Nottmeyer Does Intermarriage Pay Off? A Panel Data Analysis August 2010 Abstract
5103 Robin M. Hogarth, Marie Claire Villeval Intermittent Reinforcement and the Persistence of Behavior: Experimental Evidence
(revised version published as 'Ambiguous Incentives and the Persistence of Effort: Experimental Evidence' in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014, 100, 1-19)
July 2010 Abstract
5102 Chris M. Herbst, Erdal Tekin The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Child Well-Being: Evidence from Geographic Variation in the Distance to Social Service Agencies
(published in: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2016, 35 (1), 94 - 116)
July 2010 Abstract
5101 Ludger Woessmann Cross-Country Evidence on Teacher Performance Pay
(published in: Economics of Education Review, 2011, 30 (3), 404-418)
July 2010 Abstract
5100 Lawrence M. Kahn Labor Market Policy: A Comparative View on the Costs and Benefits of Labor Market Flexibility
(published in: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2012, 31 (1), 94-110)
July 2010 Abstract
5099 Jordi Galí, Thijs van Rens The Vanishing Procyclicality of Labor Productivity
(published in: Economic Journal, 2021, 131 (633), 302 - 326)
July 2010 Abstract
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