IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5418 Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Jens Bonke, Shoshana Grossbard Income Pooling and Household Division of Labor: Evidence from Danish Couples December 2010 Abstract
5417 Aysit Tansel, Fatma Bircan Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis
(published in: Review of Economic Development, 2012, 16 (1), 107-121)
December 2010 Abstract
5416 Ronald P. Wolthoff Applications and Interviews: A Structural Analysis of Two-Sided Simultaneous Search
(published as "Applications and Interviews: Firms' Recruiting Decisions in a Frictional Labour Market" in: Review of Economic Studies, 2018, 85 (2), 1314 - 1351)
December 2010 Abstract
5415 Hartmut Lehmann, Alexander Muravyev, Tiziano Razzolini, Anzelika Zaiceva The Costs of Job Loss in Russia
(revised version published as 'The Wage and Non-wage Costs of Displacement in Boom Times: Evidence from Russia' in: Journal of Comparative Economics, 2013, 41 (4), 1184-1201)
December 2010 Abstract
5414 Francesco Drago, Roberto Galbiati Indirect Effects of a Policy Altering Criminal Behaviour: Evidence from the Italian Prison Experiment
(revised version published in: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2012, 4 (2), 199-218)
December 2010 Abstract
5413 Ruby Henry Smart and Dangerous: How Cognitive Skills Drive the Intergenerational Transmission of Retaliation December 2010 Abstract
5412 Lex Borghans, Anne C. Gielen, Erzo F.P. Luttmer Social Support Substitution and the Earnings Rebound: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity in Disability Insurance Reform
(published in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2014, 6 (4), 34-70)
December 2010 Abstract
5411 Alexander Muravyev, Oleksandr Talavera Can State Language Policies Distort Students' Demand for Higher Education?
(revised version published as "Can state language policies distort students' demand for education?" in Journal of Comparative Economics, 2016, 44(2), 383–399)
December 2010 Abstract
5410 Corrado Giulietti Is the Minimum Wage a Pull Factor for Immigrants?
(substantially revised version published in: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2014, 67 (3), 649-674)
December 2010 Abstract
5409 Giorgio Brunello, Elena Crivellaro, Lorenzo Rocco Lost in Transition? The Returns to Education Acquired under Communism 15 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall
(published as 'Lost in Transition? The returns to education acquired under communism in the first decade of the new millennium' in: Economics of Transition, 2012, 20 (4), 637-676)
December 2010 Abstract
5408 Umut Oguzoglu Disability and Multi-State Labour Force Choices with State Dependence
(revised version published in: Economic Record, 2016, 92 (296), 28 - 46 )
December 2010 Abstract
5407 Katrin Tamm, Raul Eamets, Pille Mőtsmees Are Employees Better Off in Socially Responsible Firms? December 2010 Abstract
5406 Melanie Khamis, Nishith Prakash, Zahra Siddique Consumption and Social Identity: Evidence from India
(published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 83 (3), 353-371)
December 2010 Abstract
5405 Anna Bohnstedt, Christian Schwarz, Jens Suedekum Globalization and Strategic Research Investments
(published in: Research Policy, 2012, 41 (1), 13-23)
December 2010 Abstract
5404 Matthias Sutter, Martin G. Kocher, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Stefan T. Trautmann Impatience and Uncertainty: Experimental Decisions Predict Adolescents' Field Behavior
(extended version published in: American Economic Review, 2013, 103 (1), 510-531)
December 2010 Abstract
5403 Daniel Fernández-Kranz, Aitor Lacuesta, Núria Rodríguez-Planas Chutes and Ladders: Dual Tracks and the Motherhood Dip
(published as 'The Motherhood Earnings Dip: Evidence from Administrative Records' in: Journal of Human Resources, 2013, 48 (1), 169-197 )
December 2010 Abstract
5402 Timo Boppart, Josef Falkinger, Volker Grossmann Protestantism and Education: Reading (the Bible) and Other Skills
(published in: Economic Inquiry, 2014, 52 (2), 874-895)
December 2010 Abstract
5401 Eric A. Hanushek, Ludger Woessmann How Much Do Educational Outcomes Matter in OECD Countries?
(published in: Economic Policy, 2011, 26 (67), 427-491)
December 2010 Abstract
5400 Marco Caliendo, Armin Falk, Lutz C. Kaiser, Hilmar Schneider, Arne Uhlendorff, Gerard J. van den Berg, Klaus F. Zimmermann The IZA Evaluation Dataset: Towards Evidence-Based Labor Policy-Making
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2011, 32 (7), 731-752)
December 2010 Abstract
5399 Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann High-Skilled Immigration Policy in Europe
(published in: Barry R. Chiswick (ed.), High Skilled Immigration in a Global Labor Market, Washington DC, The AEI Press, 2011. 264-314)
December 2010 Abstract
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