IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5258 Benoit Dostie Estimating the Returns to Firm-Sponsored On-the-Job and Classroom Training
(published in: Journal of Human Capital, 2013, 7 (2), 161-189)
October 2010 Abstract
5257 Lutz Bellmann, Christian Hohendanner, Reinhard Hujer Determinants of Employer-Provided Further Training: A Multi-Level Approach
(published in: Schmollers Jahrbuch, 2011, 131 (4), 581-598)
October 2010 Abstract
5256 William E. Even, David A. Macpherson What Do Unions Do to Pension Performance?
(revised version published in: Economic Inquiry, 2014, 52 (3), 1173-1189)
October 2010 Abstract
5255 Núria Rodríguez-Planas Mentoring, Educational Services, and Incentives to Learn: What Do We Know About Them?
(substantially revised version published in: Evaluation and Program Planning, 2012, 35 (4), 481-490)
October 2010 Abstract
5254 Ian Walker, Yu Zhu Differences by Degree: Evidence of the Net Financial Rates of Return to Undergraduate Study for England and Wales
(published in: Economics of Education Review, 2011, 30 (6), 1177-1186)
October 2010 Abstract
5253 Elena G. F. Stancanelli, Leslie S. Stratton Her Time, His Time, or the Maid's Time: An Analysis of the Demand for Domestic Work
(published as 'Maids, Appliances and Couples' Housework: The Demand for Inputs to Domestic Production' in: Economica, 2014, 81 (323), 445-467)
October 2010 Abstract
5252 Roger Bandick, Holger Görg, Patrik Karpaty Foreign Acquisitions, Domestic Multinationals, and R&D
(published in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2014, 116 (4), 1091-1115)
October 2010 Abstract
5251 Fernando Alexandre, Pedro Bação, João Cerejeira, Miguel Portela Manufacturing Employment and Exchange Rates in the Portuguese Economy: The Role of Openness, Technology and Labour Market Rigidity
(published in: Open Economies Review, 2011, 22 (5), 969-984)
October 2010 Abstract
5250 Ana Lamo, Julián Messina, Etienne Wasmer Are Specific Skills an Obstacle to Labor Market Adjustment?
(published in: Labour Economics, 2011, 18 (2), 240-256)
October 2010 Abstract
5249 Patrick M. Emerson, Bruce McGough Are Microloans Bad for Growth? October 2010 Abstract
5248 Dayanand Manoli, Andrea Weber Intertemporal Substitution in Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Policy Discontinuities
(published as "Nonparametric Evidence on the Effects of Financial Incentives on Retirement Decisions" in: American Economic Journal Economic Policy, 2016)
October 2010 Abstract
5247 Simon Commander, Zlatko Nikoloski Institutions and Economic Performance: What Can Be Explained?
(published in: Review of Economics and Institutions, 2012, 2 (2), Article 3)
October 2010 Abstract
5246 Mayssun El-Attar, Markus Poschke Trust and the Choice Between Housing and Financial Assets: Evidence from Spanish Households
(published in: Review of Finance, 2011, 15 (4), 727-756)
October 2010 Abstract
5245 Jan Stuhler Empirical Strategies to Eliminate Life-Cycle Bias in the Intergenerational Elasticity of Earnings Literature
(substantially revised version appeared as IZA DP No. 5697)
October 2010 Abstract
5244 Joachim Wagner Exports and Firm Characteristics in German Manufacturing Industries
(published in: Applied Economics Quarterly, 2011, 57 (2), 107-143 and 145-160)
October 2010 Abstract
5243 Nauro F. Campos, Saul Estrin, Eugenio Proto Corruption as a Barrier to Entry: Theory and Evidence October 2010 Abstract
5242 Stephen P. Jenkins The British Household Panel Survey and its Income Data
(published as: Chapter 4 , in: S.P. Jenkins: Changing Fortunes: Income Mobility and Poverty Dynamics in Britain, Oxford University Press, 2011)
October 2010 Abstract
5241 Felix FitzRoy, Michael A. Nolan Relative Income, Redistribution and Well-being October 2010 Abstract
5240 Lorenzo Cappellari, Konstantinos Tatsiramos Friends' Networks and Job Finding Rates
(substantially revised version published as 'With a Little Help from My Friend? Quality of Social Networks, Job Finding and Job Match Quality' in: European Economic Review, 2015, 78, 55-75)
October 2010 Abstract
5239 Dennis T. Yang, Xiaodong Zhu Modernization of Agriculture and Long-Term Growth
(published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 2013, 60 (3), 367–382)
October 2010 Abstract
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