IZA Discussion Papers


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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
5218 Alan Barrett, Elish Kelly The Impact of Ireland's Recession on the Labour Market Outcomes of its Immigrants
(revised version published in: European Journal of Population, 2012, 28 (1), 91-111)
September 2010 Abstract
5217 Wolfgang Dauth, Reinhard Hujer, Katja Wolf Macroeconometric Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies in Austria September 2010 Abstract
5216 Magne Mogstad, Matthew Wiswall Linearity in Instrumental Variables Estimation: Problems and Solutions September 2010 Abstract
5215 Barry R. Chiswick, Donka M. Mirtcheva Religion and Child Health
(published in: Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 2013, 34 (1), 120-140)
September 2010 Abstract
5214 Anna Myunghee Kim Post-Socialist International Migration: The Case of China-to-South Korea Ethnic Labour Migration September 2010 Abstract
5213 Jason M. Lindo Parental Job Loss and Infant Health
(published in: Journal of Health Economics, 2011, 30 (5), 869 - 897)
September 2010 Abstract
5212 Timothy Bates, Magnus Lofstrom, Lisa Servon Why Have Lending Programs Targeting Disadvantaged Small-Business Borrowers Achieved So Little Success in the United States?
(published in: Economic Development Quarterly, 2011, 25 (3), 255 - 266)
September 2010 Abstract
5211 Jacques Poot, Steven Stillman The Importance of Heterogeneity When Examining Immigrant Education-Occupation Mismatch: Evidence from New Zealand
(published in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2016, 5 (18), 1-23)
September 2010 Abstract
5210 Anita Staneva, Reza Arabsheibani, Philip D. Murphy Returns to Education in Four Transition Countries: Quantile Regression Approach
(published in: S. Mendolina, M. O'Brien, A. R. Paloya, O. Yearkhin (eds.), Critical Perspectives of Economics of Education, 2022, Chapter 9 )
September 2010 Abstract
5209 Gautam Hazarika, Vejoya Viren The Effect of Early Childhood Developmental Program Attendance on Future School Enrollment and Grade Progression in Rural North India
(published in: Economics of Education Review, 2013, 34, 146-161)
September 2010 Abstract
5208 Mark M. Pitt, Nidhiya Menon Spatial Decentralization and Program Evaluation: Theory and an Example from Indonesia
(published as 'Spatial Decentralization and Programme Evaluation: Theory and an Example' in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2019, 81 (3), 511 - 539)
September 2010 Abstract
5207 Daniela Borodak, Matloob Piracha Occupational Choice of Return Migrants in Moldova
(published in: Eastern European Economics, 2011, 49 (4), 24-46)
September 2010 Abstract
5206 David Masclet, Charles N. Noussair, Marie Claire Villeval Threat and Punishment in Public Good Experiments
(revised version published in: Economic Inquiry, 2013, 51 (2), 1421-1441)
September 2010 Abstract
5205 James J. Heckman, Daniel Schmierer Tests of Hypotheses Arising in the Correlated Random Coefficient Model
(published in: Economic Modelling, 2010, 27 (6), Special Issue: P.A.V.B Swamy, 1355-1367)
September 2010 Abstract
5204 Loukas Balafoutas, Martin G. Kocher, Louis Putterman, Matthias Sutter Equality, Equity and Incentives: An Experiment
(revised version published in: European Economic Review, 2013, 60, 32-51)
September 2010 Abstract
5203 Robert W. Fairlie, Kanika Kapur, Susan Gates Is Employer-Based Health Insurance a Barrier to Entrepreneurship?
(published in: Journal of Health Economics, 2011, 30 (1), 146-162)
September 2010 Abstract
5202 Markus Poschke Skill-Biased Change in Entrepreneurial Technology
(superseded by DP 7991.)
September 2010 Abstract
5201 Giuseppe Bertola, Winfried Koeniger Public and Private Insurance with Costly Transactions September 2010 Abstract
5200 Tor Eriksson, Marie Claire Villeval Respect as an Incentive
(revised version published as 'Respect and relational contracts' in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 81 (1), 286–298)
September 2010 Abstract
5199 Martyna Marczak, Thomas Beissinger Real Wages and the Business Cycle in Germany
(published in: Empirical Economics, 2013, 44 (2), 469-490)
September 2010 Abstract
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