The Growing Importance of Decision-Making on the Job

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IZA Seminar

Place: Zoom

Date: 14.12.2021, 14:00 - 15:15


Presentation by 

David Deming (Harvard University)


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Meeting ID: 874 8721 3161

This paper documents growing demand for worker decision-
making and explores the
consequences for life-cycle earnings. Career earnings growth
in the U.S. has doubled
since 1960, with the age of peak earnings increasing from
late 30s to mid-50s. Much
of this shift is explained by increased employment in
decision-intensive occupations,
which have longer periods of earnings growth. To understand
these patterns, I develop
a model that nests decision-making in a standard human capital framework. Work experience
improves decision-making but accumulates more slowly in non-
routine jobs.
Life-cycle earnings in decision-intensive occupations have
increased over time, with
greater increases for highly-skilled workers.

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