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By Michal Ramati
The German Institute for the Study of Labor launched this year a new information resource that includes research-based articles on a large array of topics related to the labor market and migration. It is meant to be accessible to policy makers and the global general audience.
The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), in Bonn, Germany, launched this year a new resource platform with a rich set of articles termed: “IZA World of Labor”. The site is accessible at wol.iza.org and was established with the purpose of providing up-to-date evidence-based scientific knowledge to decision makers and other interested parties, thereby assisting them in reaching knowledgeable policy decisions. The resource is freely accessible to a global audience.
Unlike articles in most other sites, the articles at the IZA World of Labor site are structured in a uniform and easily readable format: they start with (sort of) an abstract, then a summary of “pros” and “cons”, conclusions and advice, and reference to related scientific articles. The leading idea is to present the importance and conclusions of the scientific research in a simple, clear and applicable manner. The site was constructed with the aspiration of becoming a leading accessible source of data and information on employment and labor policy worldwide.
Among the topics included in the WoL venture are: migration; development; education and human capital; behavioral economics; demography; family and gender; and evaluation of labor policies. The site, constructed in partnership with Bloomsbury, plans to air 250 articles during the first year of operation and 500 articles till the end of 2016. The articles can be searched by topic, author and research methodology.