CERT / IZA WORKSHOP: Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Aspects of Labor Reallocation in Estonia


June 23, 2001 Grand Hotel Emona, Portoroz, Slovenia

June 23, 2001
9.15 - 9.30 Opening Remarks by Hartmut Lehmann (Heriot-Watt University, IZA and WDI)
9.30 - 10.30 Raul Eamets (University of Tartù)
"Losers and Winners in the Estonian Labor Market: Gross Flows and Transition Probabilities Across Labor Market States During Transition"
10.30 - 11.30 Nauro F. Campos (University of Newcastle and WDI) and Aurelius Dabusinkas (CERGE, Prague)
"So Many Rockets Scientists, so few Marketing Clerks: Determinants and Impact of Occupational Change During the Estonian Transition"
11.30 - 11.45 Coffee/Tea Break
11.45 - 12.45 Fabio Mariani (University of Louvain-la-Neuve) and Pier Carlo Padoan (University of Rome, La Sapienza)
"Exchange Rate Regimes and Employment in Transition: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects"
12.45 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15:00 Tiina Annus (Estonian National Observatory) and Marve Pavelson (Tallinn Technical University)
"The Effect of Vocational Education for Young Workers on Their Behavior and Success in the Estonian Labor Market"
15.00 - 16.00 Reet Maldre (Tallinn Technical University), Ülle Marksoo (Ministry of Social Affairs) and Urve Venesaar (Tallinn Technical University)
"Outflows from Employment and the Social Exclusion of Vulnerable Groups"
16.00 - 16.15 Coffee/Tea Break
16.15 - 17.15 Hartmut Lehmann (Heriot-Watt University, IZA and WDI), Kaja Phillips (University of Tartù) and Jonathan Wadsworth (University of London, IZA and WDI)
"Worker Reallocation and the Two Faces of Job Loss in Estonia"
19.00 Dinner

List of Participants

Tiina Annus (Estonian National Observatory) tiina@hm.ee
Raul Eamets (Tartu University, Department of Economics) eam@cie.ut.ee
Hartmut Lehmann (Heriot-Watt University, Department of Economics) H.Lehmann@hw.ac.uk
Ülle Pettai (Regional Bureau of Statistics of Central Estonia) pettai@stat.vil.ee
Kaia Philips (Tartu University, Department of Economics) kphilips@mtk.ut.ee
Urve Venesaar (Estonian Institute of Economics at Tallinn Technical University) venesaar@tami.ee
Mario Fabiani (University of Louvain-la-Neuve)  


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