Monday, April 1:
Reception in lobby of Hotel Martino at 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, April 2:
08:15 - 08:20
Pick up from Hotel to INCAE |
08:30 |
Opening Remarks, Jan Svejnar, Director of the William Davidson Institute |
08:35-09:15 |
Overview of Cross-Country Wage Differentials |
1. Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University) and Stepan Jurajda (CERGE-EI, WDI, IZA) Cross-Country Comparisons of Wage Rates: The Big Mac Index
09:15-11:00 |
Labor Mobility
Chair: Katherine Terrell
2. José Angel Calderón (Centro de Estudio Económicos), Labor Mobility in Urban Mexico
3. John Earle (Upjohn Institute, WDI, IZA) and Klara Sabirianova (WDI, IZA)
Structural Change, Mismatch and Job Mobility: Evidence from Russia
Discussant for both papers: Milan Vodopivec (World Bank) |
11:00-11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:25-1:00 |
Labor Force Dynamics |
Chair: Hartmut Lehmann
4. Alexandru Voicu (IZA), Labor Force Participation Dynamics in the Romanian Labor Market
5. Jochen Kluve (University of California, Berkeley, IZA), Reelika Leetma (Tartu University) and Christoph M. Schmidt (University of Heidelberg, IZA), Labor Force Status Dynamics in the Estonian Labor Market.
Discussant of both papers: John Earle (Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, WDI, IZA)
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch at INCAE |
2:00-3:40 |
Accounting for Inequality |
6. Sebastian Galiani (Universidad de San Andrés) and Pablo Sanguinetti (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella), The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Wage Inequality: Evidence from Argentina
Discussant: Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University, IZA)
7. Francisco Ferreira (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, WDI), Francois Bourguignon (DELTA) and Phillippe G. Leite (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro), Beyond Oaxaca-Blinder: Accounting for Differences in Household Income
Discussant: Carlos Quintanilla (INCAE)
3:45 |
Bus back to Hotel Martino, Free Time until 6:30 |
6:30 |
meet in Lobby for 5 min. bus ride to Pura Vida for dinner |
Wednesday, April 3:
8:15-8:20 |
Pick up at the Hotel for INCAE |
8:30-10:15 |
Job Loss and Job Matches in Transition |
Chair: Gerard Pfann (IZA, University of Maastricht)
8. Hartmut Lehmann (Heriot-Watt University, WDI, IZA), Kaja Phillips (Tartu University) and Jonathan Wadsworth (CEP, London School of Economics, WDI, IZA), The Incidence and Cost of Job Loss in Estonia
9. Daniel Munich (CERGE-EI, WDI), Job-seekers Matching under Different Regime Change: The Cases of Czech and Slovak Dissolution and East and West German Unification.
Discussant of both papers: Jan Svejnar (University of Michigan, WDI) |
10:15-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30-12:15 |
s Labor Supply |
Chair: John Earle (Upjohn Institute, WDI, IZA)
10. Holger Bonin (IZA) and Rob Euwals (IZA), Labor Supply Preferences of East German Women after Unification
Discussant: Hartmut Lehmann (Heriot-Watt University, IZA, WDI)
11. Alejandra Cox Edwards (Califonia State University at Long Beach), Suzanne Duryea (Inter-American Development Bank) and Manuelita Ureta (Texas A&M), Women in the Latin American and Caribbean Labor Market: The Remarkable 1990s
Discussant: Juan Vargas (Universidad de Costa Rica)
12:15-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-2:40 |
Impact of Minimum Wages |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Chair: Luis Umana (INCAE)
12. Fatma El-Hamidi (University of Pittsburgh) and Katherine Terrell (University of Michigan, WDI, IZA), The Impact of Minimum Wages on Wage Inequality and Employment in the Formal and Informal Sector in Costa Rica
Discussant: Juan Vargas (Universidad de Costa Rica)
2:00-2:15 |
Coffee Break |
2:15-4:00 |
Macroeconomic Perspective of the Labor Market |
Chair: Francisco de la Paula Gutierrez (INCAE)
14. Jasper Hook (University of Michigan) Labor Markets Institutions and Restructuring: Evidence from Regulated and Unregulated Labor Markets in Brazil
15. Jasper Hoek (University of Wisconsin), Informational Conflict and Employment Fluctuations
Discussant: Alberto Trejos (INCAE)
4:15 |
Bus back to Hotel Martino, free time |
7:00 |
Dinner at the Hotel Marino |
Thursday, April 4:
Travel to Hotel Mariposa, Manuel Antonio by bus (departure from Hotel Marino at 9:30 am. Arrival in Manuel Antonio approximately 12:00, lunch at Hotel Mariposa. Free time in afternoon and evening. |
Friday, April 5:
8:30 |
Bus leaves Hotel Mariposa for Hotel El Parador |
8:45-9:15 |
Inspirational Address (alias "Pep Talk")
1. Daniel Hammermesh (University of Texas, Austin, IZA) International Labor Economics
9:15-11:00 |
2. Frederic Warzynski (Catholic University of Leuven), Do Schumpeterian Waves of Creative Destruction Lead to Higher Productivity? Evidence from Poland
Gerard Pfann (University of Maastricht, IZA)
3. Stepan Jurajda (CERGE-EI, WDI, IZA) and Katherine Terrell (University of Michigan, WDI, IZA), New Sector Growth in Transition: Comparing Two Paths
Daniel Hammermesh (University of Texas, Austin, IZA)
11:00-11:15 |
Coffee |
11:15-1:00 |
4. David Brown (Heriot-Watt University, WDI, IZA) and John Earle (Upjohn Institute, WDI, IZA), Gross Job Creation and Destruction in the Ukrainian Industrial Sector, 1992-2000.
5. Jozef Konings (Catholic University Leuven, IZA, WDI), Olga Kupets (National University - Kyiv Mohyla Academy) and Hartmut Lehmann (Heriot-Watt University, IZA, WDI), Gross Job Flows and Restructuring in Ukraine
Discussant of both papers:
Steve Davis (University of Chicago)
1:00-1:45 |
Lunch at Hotel El Parador |
1:45-3:30 |
6. Simon Commander (EBRD, WDI, IZA) and Janos Köllõ (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, WDI, IZA), The Changing Demand for Skills: Evidence from the Transition (Hungary, Romania and Russia).
Jochen Kluve (University of California-Berkeley, IZA)
7. John Haltiwanger (University of Maryland, IZA) and Milan Vodopivec (World Bank), Worker and Job Flows in a Transition Economy: Slovenia in the 1990s
Gerard Pfann (University of Maastricht, IZA)
3:30 - 4:00 |
Rapporteur - Steve Davis (University of Chicago)
4:00-7:00 |
Bus back to Hotel Mariposa, free time to swim and relax |
7:00 |
Dinner (t.b.d.) |