IZA Workshop: European Integration and Labor Market Performance


Organizer: Torben M. Andersen (tandersen@econ.au.dk)
Place: IZA, Schaumburg-Lippe-Str.7-9, Bonn, Germany
Date: Friday and Saturday, April 5 - 6, 2002

Contact Information

Torben M. Andersen
Department of Economics
University of Aarhus
8000 Aarhus

Aim of Workshop

Product market integration across European nations is proceeding at a rapid pace, as reflected in significant increases in trade volumes, foreign direct investments and outsourcing. A pertinent question is how this process affect labor markets, especially if labor remains as little mobile across European labor markets as is presently the case. The focus of the workshop will be on how various aspects of product market integration affect labor markets, including implications for labor market institutions as well as economic policies. Both theoretical and empirical submissions are welcome.


Friday, April 5

09:30 - 12:00

Thomas Beissinger (University of Regensburg and IZA):
The impact of labour market reforms on capital flows, wages and employment

Discussant: Odd Rune Straume (University of Warwick)



Michael Pflüger (DIW Berlin and IZA):
Economic Integration, wage policies and social policies

Discussant: Winfried Koeniger (IZA)



12:00 - 13:30




13:30 - 14:45

Jan Rose Skaksen (University of Southern Denmark and IZA):
Globalization and labour market adjustments when relative wages are rigid. The case of Denmark

Discussant: Damon Clark (IZA)



14:45 - 15:15

Coffee / Tea Break



15:15 - 17:45

Eric Toulemonde (University of Namur):
Films agglomerations and unions

Discussant: Barbara Dluhosch (University FAF Hamburg)

Barbara Dluhosch (University FAF Hamburg):
Intra-industry trade and fragmentation in economic integration

Discussant: Eric Toulemonde (University of Namur)




Dinner at Restaurant Hotel Pastis, Hatschiergasse 8



Saturday, April 6

09:30 - 12:00

Donatella Gatti (University of Lille & MODEM):
European Integration and Employment - The need for fiscal policy coordination

Discussant: Thomas Beissinger (University of Regensburg and IZA)




Torben M. Andersen (University of Aarhus and IZA):
European Integration - A downward bias in employment policies

Discussant: Donatella Gatti (University of Lille & MODEM)



12:00 - 13:30




13:30 - 14:45

Michele Santoni (University of Milano):
Product market integration and endogenous bargaining structure

General discussion



14:45 - 15:15

Coffee / Tea Break



15:15 - 17:45

Winfried Koeniger (IZA):
Employment protection, product market competition and growth

Discussant: Anders Sorensen (CEBR)




Odd Rune Straume (University of Warwick):
International mergers and trade liberalization: implications for unionized labour

Discussant: Michele Santoni (University of Milano)






Travel expenses and accommodations will be covered according to IZA travel guidelines.


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