09:00 |
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09:45 |
Coffee/Tea |
09:45 |
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10:00 |
Welcome by Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA, DIW Berlin and University of Bonn)
Remarks of the Research Director Daniel S. Hamermesh (University of Texas at Austin and IZA) |
10:00 |
Bob Gregory (Australian National University)
10:00 |
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11:00 |
Susan Vroman (Georgetown University), James Albrecht (Georgetown University and IZA), Anders Björklund (SOFI, Stockholm University and IZA) |
"Unionization and the Evolution of the Wage Distribution in Sweden: 1968 - 2000"
Rainer Winkelmann (University of Zurich)
11:00 |
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12:00 |
Ana Rute Cardoso (IAE Barcelona (CSIC)), Paulo Guimaraes (Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina), Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA, DIW Berlin and University of Bonn) |
"Comparing the Early Research Performance of PhD Graduates in Labor Economics in Europe and the USA"
Dennis J. Snower (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
12:00 |
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13:00 |
Lunch |
12:59 |
Deborah A. Cobb-Clark (Australian National University)
13:00 |
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14:00 |
Lex Borghans (Maastricht University), Bart Golsteyn (Maastricht University and IZA) |
"Human Capital Accumulation over the Life-Cycle: Reasons for and Costs of Learning at a Later Age"
Armin Falk (University of Bonn)
14:00 |
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15:00 |
Gerard J. van den Berg (Free University of Amsterdam), Angus Deaton (Princeton University) |
"Aging and Heterogeneity in the Analysis of Mortality"
Christoph M. Schmidt (RWI Essen)
15:00 |
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16:30 |
Coffee/Tea with Poster Session of IZA Staff |
Steffen Altmann (IZA), Armin Falk (University of Bonn and IZA), David Huffman (Swarthmore College and IZA) |
"Contract Enforcement, Fairness, and Involuntary Unemployment"
Melanie Khamis (IZA), Omar Arias (World Bank) |
"Comparative Advantage, Segmentation and Informal Earnings: A Marginal Treatment Effects Approach"
Douglas J. Krupka (IZA) |
"On Amenities, Natural Advantage and Agglomeration"
Arne Uhlendorff (IZA), Marco Caliendo (IZA), Konstantinos Tatsiramos (IZA) |
"Benefit Duration, Unemployment Duration and Employment Stability: A Regression-Discontinuity Approach"
Mutlu Yuksel (IZA), Adriana Kugler (University of Houston and IZA) |
"Effects of Low-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Natives: Evidence from Hurricane Mitch"
Zhong Zhao (IZA) |
"Bargaining Power and Intra-Household Time Allocation in Rural China - Using Gender of the Child as a Natural Experiment"
Randall K. Q. Akee (IZA) |
"The Rural-Urban Migration in China (RUMiC) Dataset"
Alexander Muravyev (IZA), Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna and IZA) |
"The Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (ULMS)"
Lutz C. Kaiser (IZA), Marco Caliendo (IZA), Armin Falk (University of Bonn and IZA), Hilmar Schneider (IZA), Arne Uhlendorff (IZA), Gerard J. van den Berg (Free University of Amsterdam and IZA), Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA, DIW Berlin and University of Bonn)
"The IZA Evaluation Dataset"
Nikos Askitas (IZA) |
"The International Data Service Center (IDSC) at IZA"
Martin Kahanec (IZA), Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA, DIW Berlin and University of Bonn), Amelie F. Constant (DIW DC and IZA), Don J. De Voretz (Simon Fraser University and IZA), Liliya Gataullina (Free University of Berlin), Anzelika Zaiceva (IZA and University of Bologna) |
"Study on the Social and Labour Market Integration of Ethnic Minorities"
Andreas Peichl (IZA), Ulf Rinne (IZA), Hilmar Schneider (IZA) |
"Evaluating Policy Reforms using IZAMOD"
16:30 |
Xiangquan Zeng (Renmin University of China)
16:30 |
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17:30 |
Pierre Cahuc (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris), Philippe Aghion (Harvard Univerity and IZA), Yann Algan (Science Po, IZA) |
"Can Policy Interact with Culture? Minimum Wage and the Quality of Labor Relations"
Joachim Möller (IAB, Nürnberg)
17:30 |
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18:30 |
Daniel S. Hamermesh (University of Texas at Austin), Ana Rute Cardoso (IAE Barcelona and IZA), Jose Varejao (Universidade do Porto) |
"The Timing of Labor Demand"
Thomas K. Bauer (RWI Essen)
19:00 |
Departure to Conference Dinner |
20:00 |
Conference Dinner including Dinner Speech |