IZA/EUI Workshop on Demographic Change and Secular Transitions in Labor Markets: What Can We Learn from a Dynamic Perspective?
About the Workshop |
The demographic structure of societies in economically developed countries underwent profound and unprecedented changes during the past centuries, with education spreading and child labor disappearing, with health conditions improving, and life expectancy rising, and with large families dissolving. Today,
ongoing changes reflect some of the most important challenges for society. Despite considerable efforts, not much is known about secular transitions in individual behavior, demographic changes, and the interrelations with economic performance in a dynamic perspective. Only very recently has the economics profession experienced a revived interest in addressing questions like what were the driving forces behind these changes, and what are the dynamic interrelations between economic and demographic change. This new strand of research builds on interrelated decisions about labor supply, education and fertility, and shows how these individual decisions in turn affect the aggregate conditions, and are in turn determined by aggregate conditions. Assumptions on individual behavior in these theories are based on new empirical results, obtained from historical data and data from developing countries.
Undeniably, knowledge about the driving forces behind and the mechanics of secular transitions plays a crucial role for understanding the reasons for developments and problems observable in the world today. The workshop is intended to bring together a group of leading researchers from all over the world working on different aspects of demographic change and long-term development. The aim is to provide participants with an opportunity to discuss their research among a group of researchers with similar research interests in a relaxed atmosphere. Deliberately, the workshop takes a broad view of the topic and invites theoretical as well as empirical research to be presented.
Program |
Sunday, September 03:
Monday, September 04:
*) current affiliation
Participants: |
Boucekkine, Raouf (Catholic University of Louvain la Neuve) email: boucekkine@core.ucl.ac.be Cervellati, Matteo (Institute for Economic Analysis) email: matteo.cervellati@upf.edu D'Albis, Hippolyte ( University of Toulouse I) email: hippolyte.d-albis@univ-tlse1.fr de la Croix, David (Catholic University of Louvain la Neuve) email: delacroix@ires.ucl.ac.be Doepke, Matthias (University of California) email: doepke@econ.ucla.edu Knowles, John A. (University of Pennsylvania) email: jknowles@econ.sas.upenn.edu Lagerloef, Nippe (York University, Canada) email: lagerlof@econ.yorku.ca Leukhina, Oksana M. (University of North Carolina) email: oksana@email.unc.edu Licandro, Omar (European University Institute) email: omar.licandro@iue.it Moav, Omer (Hebrew University) email: msmoav@mscc.huji.ac.il Soares, Rodrigo (University of Maryland) email: soares@econ.umd.edu Sunde, Uwe (IZA) email: sunde@iza.org Vandenbroucke, Guillaume (University of Southern California) email: vandenbr@usc.edu Zoabi, Hosny (European University Institute) email: hosny.zoabi@iue.it