
Call for Papers


Conference on Adverse Health Conditions and Labor Market Policies

Organizers: Marco Caliendo (University of Potsdam and IZA), Marloes De Graaf-Zijl (UWV Netherlands Social Security Institute and IZA), Gerard J. van den Berg (University of Bristol and IZA)
Location:Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date:March 19 - March 20, 2020

Submission Deadline:November 15, 2019
Notification of Acceptance:November 30, 2019

Event Manager:

Viola Hartmann

About the Program

We are pleased to announce a Conference on “Adverse Health Conditions and Labor Market Policies”. This conference is a joint initiative of the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and UWV (the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency). The aim is to bring together academic presentations and policy discussion about the implementation of academic insights. The academic part will cover March 19 and ends around lunch-time on March 20. After that, the program continues with a policy discussion about evidence-based work in the practice of re-integration. The conference dinner takes place on the evening of March 19.

The keynote lecture will be delivered by Knut Røed (Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, University of Oslo and IZA).

The Program Committee invites submissions for at least 10 presentations by academic researchers working on issues related to (partly) disabled and sick-listed workers.

Topics include (but are not limited to):
  • Active labor market policies (ALMP) for individuals with adverse health conditions
  • Profiling and targeting instruments to select individuals into such ALMP
  • Long-term effects of training and other ALMP for these groups
  • Policies to influence the inflow into social security due to sickness or disability
  • Policies to influence sickness and disability focusing on the employer side
  • Health effects of labor market policies

Paper Submission

Researchers interested in participating should submit a paper or an extended abstract by November 15, 2019, using our online application form.

Presenters can make their papers available in advance by placing them on the IZA conference website so they can be linked to the preliminary program.

Notifications will be sent until November 30, 2019.

Travel and Accommodation

Those authors who are invited to present their papers are expected to participate in at least the first 1,5 days of the conference. We encourage participation in the policy part of the program, in the afternoon of March 20. Economy class airfares and up to 3 nights of lodging for presenting authors will be covered according to the IZA Reimbursement Guidelines.

Kindly note that tax regulations prohibit IZA from fully reimbursing the travel expenses of conference participants who combine their trip with other destinations or extend their stay beyond the four-day window surrounding the event.