09:00 |
Session 1: Calibration |
09:30 |
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10:20 |
Bruno Van der Linden (IRES, Université catholique de Louvain and IZA*)), Gabriele Cardullo (Catholic University of Louvain) |
"Employment Subsidies and Substitutable Skills: An Equilibrium Matching Approach"
10:20 |
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11:10 |
Susan Vroman (Georgetown University and IZA*)), James Albrecht (Georgetown University and IZA), Gerard J. van den Berg (Free University of Amsterdam and IZA) |
"The Knowledge Lift: The Swedish Adult Education Program that aimed to eliminate Low Worker Skill Levels"
11:10 |
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11:40 |
Coffee / Tea Break |
11:40 |
Session 2: Active Labor Market Programs |
11:40 |
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12:30 |
Denis Fougère (Sciences Po, Paris and IZA*)), Thomas Brodaty (Université de Cergy-Pontoise and THEMA), Muriel Roger (INRA) |
"The Structural Effects of Active Labor Market Programmes on the Transition from Unemployment to Employment"
12:30 |
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13:20 |
Monica Costa Dias (Institute for Fiscal Studies, London and IZA*)), Costas Meghir (University College London and IZA), Barbara Sianesi (Institute for Fiscal Studies), Jerome Adda (Univerity College London) |
"Evaluating Dynamic Treatment: The Swedish Active Labour Market Programmes"
13:20 |
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14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 |
Session 3: Policy Reforms |
14:30 |
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15:20 |
Shannon Seitz (Queen's University*)), Jeremy Lise (Queen's University), Jeffrey A, Smith (University of Michigan and IZA) |
"Equilibrium Policy Experiments and the Evaluation of Social Programs"
15:20 |
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16:10 |
James Albrecht (Georgetown University and IZA*)), Lucas Navarro (Queen Mary), Susan Vroman (Georgetown University and IZA) |
"Modeling the Effects of Labor Market Reforms in a Developing Economy"
16:10 |
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16:40 |
Coffee / Tea Break |
16:40 |
Session 4: Monitoring |
16:40 |
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17:30 |
Christian Belzil (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris and IZA*)), Vanessa di Paola (Université d'Aix Marseille and LEST), Stephanie Moullet (CEREQ) |
"Schooling, Search, Employment Contracts, Training and Promotions"
17:30 |
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18:20 |
Gerard J. van den Berg (University of Groningen and IZA*)), Bas van der Klaauw (Free University of Amsterdam and IZA) |
"Structural Analysis of Monitoring and Search Efforts"
20:00 |
Conference Dinner at Restaurant Roses |