08:15 |
Departure Shuttle Bus from Trinity Capital Hotel |
09:00 |
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10:00 |
Keynote Speech 1 |
Hilmar Schneider (IZA)
Richard Blundell (University College London and IZA) |
"Consumption Smoothing and Famiy Labour Supply"
10:00 |
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10:30 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
Session A |
10:30 |
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11:00 |
James P. Ziliak (University of Kentucky), Sarah K. Burns (University of Kentucky) |
"Identifying the Elasticity of Taxable Income"
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Hakan Selin (Uppsala University), Spencer Bastani (Uppsala University) |
"Bunching and Non-Bunching at Kink Points of the Swedish Tax Schedule"
11:30 |
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12:00 |
Laurence Rioux (CREST-INSEE) |
"Labor Earnings Respond Differently to Income- Tax and to Payroll-Tax Reforms"
12:00 |
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12:30 |
Leon Bettendorf (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis), Egbert Jongen (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis), Paul Muller (VU University Amsterdam) |
"Childcare Subsidies and Labour Supply: Evidence from a Large Dutch Reform"
12:30 |
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13:30 |
Lunch |
Session B: Micro-Macro and Adjustment |
Olivier B. Bargain (University of Aix-Marseille II and IZA)
13:30 |
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14:00 |
Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP and IZA), Marcelo Bergolo (CEDLAS-UNLP) |
"Work and Tax Evasion Incentive Effects of Social Insurance Programs. Evidence from an Employment-based Benefit Extension"
14:00 |
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14:30 |
Alexander Gelber (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) |
"The Dynamics of Labor Supply Adjustments to Policy: Evidence from Social Security Earnings Test"
14:30 |
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15:00 |
Andrea Weber (University of Mannheim and IZA), Dayanand Manoli (UCLA) |
"The Effects of Increasing the Early Retirement Age on Social Security Claims and Job Exits"
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Nicole Bosch (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis), Egbert Jongen (CPB) |
"Intensive Margin Responses when Workers are Free to Choose: Evidence from a Dutch tax reform"
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
16:00 |
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18:00 |
IMA Parallel Sessions
Session 16: "Static (Comparative)" |
Sebastian Siegloch (IZA) "Income, Taxes, and Happiness" Dirk Neumann (IZA) "Fiscal Union in Europe? Redistributive and Stabilising Effects of an EU Tax-Benefit System" A. Paulus (ISER) "Taxing Homeownership; Distributional Effects of Including Net Imputed Rent in Taxable Income" M. M. Paniagua "The Pro-Poor Impact of an In-Work Benefit on Low Income Earners in Spain"
20:00 |
Dinner: East Dining Hall, Trinity College Dublin |
08:15 |
Departure Shuttle Bus from Trinity Capital Hotel |
09:00 |
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10:00 |
Keynote Speech 2 |
Andreas Peichl (IZA)
Raj Chetty (Harvard University and IZA), John Friedman (Harvard Kennedy School), Emmanuel Saez (UC, Berkeley) |
"Using Differences in Knowledge Across Neighborhoods to Uncover the Impacts of the EITC on Earnings"
10:00 |
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10:30 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
Session C: Evaluating Structural Models |
Olivier B. Bargain (University of Aix-Marseille II and IZA)
10:30 |
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11:00 |
Eleanor J. Choi (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) |
"Evaluating a Structural Model of Labor Supply and Welfare Participation: Evidence from State Welfare Reform Experiments"
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Trine E. Vattø (Statistics Norway), Thor Olav Thoresen (Statistic Norway) |
"Income Responses to Tax Changes. Reconciling Results of Quasi-Experimental Evaluation and Structural Labor Supply Model Simulation"
11:30 |
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12:00 |
Jörgen Hansen (Concordia University and IZA) |
"Estimating Labor Supply Responses and Welfare Participation: Using a Natural Experiment to Validate a Structural Labor Supply Model"
12:00 |
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12:30 |
Matthieu Chemin (McGill University), Etienne Wasmer (Sciences-Po Paris) |
"Ex-ante and Ex-post Evaluation of the 1989 French Welfare Reform Using a Natural Experiment : The 1908 Social Laws in Alsace-Moselle"
12:30 |
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13:30 |
Lunch |
Session D: Dynamic Labor Supply |
Mathias Dolls (IZA)
13:30 |
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14:00 |
Johannes Geyer (DIW Berlin), Peter Haan (DIW Berlin), Katharina Wrohlich (DIW Berlin) |
"Labor Supply of Mothers with Young Children: Validating a Structural Model Using a Natural Experiment"
14:00 |
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14:30 |
Monica Costa Dias (Institute for Fiscal Studies, London and IZA) |
"The Long-Term Effects of In-Work Benefits in a Life-Cycle Model for Policy Evaluation"
14:30 |
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15:00 |
Victoria L. Prowse (Cornell University and IZA), Peter Haan (DIW Berlin) |
"The Design of Unemployment Transfers: Evidence from a Dynamic Structural Life-Cycle Model"
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Hilmar Schneider (IZA) |
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
16:00 |
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18:00 |
IMA Parallel Sessions
Session 25: "Labor Supply" |
Denisa Sologan (CEPS) "A Continuous Labour Supply Model in Microsimulation: A Life Cycle Modeling Approach with Heterogeneity and Uncertainty Extension" Nico Pestel (IZA) "Beyond Accounting: Inequality, Assortative Mating and Labor Supply in the US Germany" Rossella Bardazzi (University of Florence) "Atypical Contracts and Labour Productivity at Firm-Level: Some Evidence from Italy" Philipp Doerrenberg (University of Cologne and IZA) "Nice Guys Finish Last: Are People with Higher Tax Morale Taxed More Heavily"