IZA Interethnic Practitioners' Meeting on Interethnic Marriages

Place: IZA, Bonn
Date: May 25, 2007
The fourth IZA Interethnic Practitioners’ Meeting – part of IZA’s research project “The Economics and Persistence of Migrant Ethnicity,” supported by the Volkswagen Foundation and led by Amelie Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann – will be held at IZA on May 25, 2005. This meeting is tailored to the research area “Interethnic Marriages.” The purpose of this one-day meeting is to exchange ideas and experiences between IZA researchers and practitioners in a focus group setting. Participants will discuss bi-national and interethnic marriages as partners in and as offsprings of such marriages, as researchers on the subject, and as third parties in contact with such families. Barry R. Chiswick, a renowned scholar on the topic and IZA Program Director for Migration, will lead and moderate the meeting along with Deputy Program Director Amelie Constant.

Previous practitioners’ meetings covered the areas of “Ethnic Entrepreneurship,” “Naturalization and Citizenship,” and “Education and Integration.”